Wow! I’ve been trying to wrap my head around writing a post for a while. How am I supposed to write when all of our lives are changing? Right now I am in our cabin bunk room writing this post from inside a small closet, my kids are working on their homework next to me on bedside tables that are now being used as desks. This is all so weird. My head actually hurts from the pressure and I feel exhausted at the end of the day from all the thinking power my brain is doing.
I’ve tried to keep a schedule, limit news and watch the lake melt, but it’s all so hard to do knowing what is happening in places like NYC and New Orleans. It’s nice to know that we can all be connected on the internet over these next few weeks and months. I’m thankful that Jeff still has his employment, that we have food and shelter and I worry for everyone in the world who doesn’t. I’m comforted seeing so many good deeds happening daily around me, you people are lifting each other up and it’s beautiful to see.
We got a new range at the cabin 14 impossibly long days ago. It arrived right in the nick of time. I had ordered it on black friday for a killer price after our oven crapped out just in time for thanksgiving – we made the best of it, smoked the turkey and cooked green bean casserole over the coals. Thanksgiving seems like a world away from March 2020. I’ve been anxiously looking forward to cooking again at the cabin with our new fancy-ass stove. I envisioned cooking fresh pasta and creating huge brunches for friends and family on our new piece of machinery. I had no idea that it would become a NEED and not a WANT. I’m thankful it showed up, I’m thankful that we were able to get a same day electrician and handyman to get it up and running. It’s all just a lot of words for me to say that I’m thankful we have something to cook our food on, and the newness of it takes my focus off all the big things in this world.

Oh wow! What a beautiful and useful addition to the cabin! I ordered a new fridge and stove during the pre-Black Friday deals, they arrived before Thanksgiving, so cooking up our big meal was a pleasure.
With all the chaos going on, just hold steady and stay home as much as possible. It’s the best thing to do!
For sure! Be safe.
Yeah it’s a real shame your “leaders” in the US didn’t take this seriously. I worry about my neighbours to the south who may have tried to keep their distances but now find themselves surrounded by this virus. I hope you and your family are safe and that this passes quickly enough. Here in Canada, things are fairly well as we have just under 4000 cases across the country and about 40 deaths. Our government was swift to act and we have the added advantage of having a very large country with a very small population (37 million total). Stay safe everyone
Won’t Thanksgiving be wonderful next November! There will be loss, a new normal and a new appreciation for the little things. I’m from your city and love the WI lake country, grew up near there. Soon the ducks, geese and other waterfowl will be returning. I’ve been listening to the birds after their silence all winter and looking for anything green. Wet snow tonight is in the forecast.
Wishing I could be in the woods!
Hey Karen! Yes, I think we will all have a new founds sense of appreciation. We just had a pair of Geese and a few ducks return to the lake yesterday, and the evenings we can hear the frogs chirping now. It’s the little things that help us get through these tough days.
As someone in rural MN that is frustrated to see our limited healthcare resources (not to mention infrastructure, food, etc) strained by people coming up to their cabins I was really surprised and even angry to see this post. I came here to momentarily escape the stress of this virus and was shocked to see that you had also made the selfish and privileged decision to go to your rural cabin. Even though the stove didn’t work! My sister is social distancing in St Paul with two little kids, not coming up here to take sunset instagrams over the lake, and for that I am grateful.
To each their own, Alice. I have been heeding these warnings since the end of January. It was always our intention to head to our second home early and quarantine which is what we did and continue to do – which I do not believe is selfish when done with caution and care. We haven’t left the property in four weeks. Yes we are privileged but I don’t feel I need to justify my intentions to you.
Your cabin is lovely and you should enjoy it as much as you can. Some people just can’t be nice.
Random question… what is the red light at the bottom of the stove from?