Hey Team! I didn’t mean for that break to be so long. I’ve been struggling with some SADz and my motivation and focus has been lackluster these past few weeks. I’m so looking forward to a break in the weather. The snow and shoveling is relentless and a constant reminder of how much has to change in order for spring to get here. I know there has been lots of snow all over the country and it really is debilitating.
Anyways, to get the ball rolling I wanted to share a post today in hopes that it would help me feel motivated to share more in the coming days.
I’ve been wanting to share a living room update for so long. It’s amazing that life can be so busy that it takes months to pull out a camera and tripod, edit some photos and wrap it all up in a post. I suppose the same can be said about any number of tiny projects I leave around the house. It’s like I can’t completely finish a job or project, that would just be insane. I resolve to not have things take so long in the future, I really do.
This fall we got a new brass and glass coffee table for our living room. I’ve been wanting to change up the space for a long time and when I came across this curio table on sale at Antrhopologie at the end of last summer, I had to jump at it. Not only is it beautiful and brassy (my weakness these days), it showcases my growing crystal collection (also my weakness these days). The crystals are now safe from dust and the grubby hands of my filthy kids. Jeff is happy because the collection has a limited amount of space to grow into.
I’ve been trying to keep fresh flowers in the vase that sits on top of the table over the last few weeks. It really does make my mood lighter. I’ve also been taking extra effort to keep our entire main floor tidy and clean because being in charge of the order makes the space feel like a reprieve from all the stupid weather outside. I’ve also been reading, trying to dress myself in a way that doesn’t resemble a total slob, and working on creative projects that are easy and open-ended (aka they are just fun and mindless and take my mind off the here and now). I feel thankful that I can take time to be kind to myself, I know that’s not a luxury everyone can have. Anyways, that coffee table plays a big role in all of it because without the coffee table, I couldn’t have a place to put the flowers and the rocks.

Not to dangle a carrot in your face but like all things at Anthro, they never last long. This table was on clearance when I purchased it and is not longer available. However, I rounded up a bunch of beautiful tables that would look pretty in any home too.

Getting Bluer, Going Darker

Thinking About : My Living Room

Summer Living Room

Hello New Living Room Furniture!

here is a similar budget option 165.99 – https://www.target.com/p/benton-cocktail-table-warm-gold-aiden-lane/-/A-51184426?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&fndsrc=tgtao&CPNG=PLA_Furniture%2BShopping_Brand&adgroup=SC_Furniture&LID=700000001170770pgs&network=g&device=c&location=9031961&ds_rl=1246978&ds_rl=1247068&ds_rl=1246978&gclid=CjwKCAiAqt7jBRAcEiwAof2uKxtgcMwL9JmdFlGxqP0Fe7vh__Hu38FLFDxVsD97VjznIhG2E2oi1BoCr_EQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
Thanks :)
I love that table so much and kindly request you share your tricks for keeping it alive in a house of boys. kthankxbye.
Nintendos and a basement to play Nintendos in. I am a bad mom.
Oh I feel you with the SADz. I’m so done with winter and here in Ottawa, Canada, we can expect to have snow on the ground well into mid-April. Currently looking for deals down south! I love curio tables, they offer such a nice place to display collections or trinkets. My mother has a very nice solid wood one that looks like it belongs in a cigar lounge or military mess or something (you know with the glass up top and a green velvet mat in the drawer where you can put something to showcase like medals and such). Anyway, your living room (and house for that matter) is just dreamy (love the dark wood and the dark indigo of the walls).
My MIL had a curio table just like the one you describe. I hope spring comes earlier than mid-april for you. We usually have temps in the 40s by the beginning of April so I am keeping eyes focused on the prize.
Hang in there!
I love your whole living room and dining room! Gorgeous!
Thank you, Kimberly!
Oh girl, I feel you on the SADz. You guys have us beat on volume of snow and low temperatures, but we’ve been hammered this February (beaten every record here, ever) and I am SO over it. This is the time of year we just get desperately thirsty for those glimpses of Spring, those signs that it’s all changing and summer is on it’s way. I feel like I’ve been denied those glimpses and Winter decided to crap all over us. It’s demotivating to say the least.
Your living room is #goals as always. I love the idea of displaying a crystal collection in the coffee table! Brilliant.
Chin up, we’re nearing the end of winter, right? And upside: I bet your shoveling muscles are STACKED, yeah?
Hey Sarah, I keep focusing on the stuff I can see, like even though it was -34 when I woke up yesterday I could tell that the angle of the sun was changing when I saw icicles melting in the sun despite the freezing cold. I hope you have a glimpse of things changing where you are too.
Ha, yes you called it, my shoveling muscles are actually very real!
Looks great! Is that a gold lamp on the black side table? Or a vase?
I hear you with the SADz. Even though it seems spring takes forever to get to the midwest, there are always those random warm days that sometimes happen in March. And today is March…
Hey Ellen, it is a brass lamp that I picked up at Target a while back. I think it is part of the Opal House collection, and it had little tassels on it that I removed. I just searched the target site and couldn’t find it, but I did find it on ebay for you :) . Here is the link.
It all looks so beautiful Scoops. I am ok with the weather this year although the super low temps were a little alarming and sometimes I just don’t leave the house. I have some flexibility now that my children are much older than yours, they can go and I can stay. Chin up, another four weeks and there will be some daffodils out there.
Thanks, Vanessa :) I have been really pushing myself to get out and get fresh air and soak up the sun since it’s been out the last few days. The relentless snow was really getting to me. I know spring will be starting to show itself by the end of the month.
You did a fantastic job catching the beauty and light that glass table brings to your space into your photos. I’m with you on the weather and the moodiness that this winter has brought right here on top of us. Where is the sun!! Hang in there, my girl!! Soon this will be a memory of winter 2019. Keep at your goals. It moves the calendar forward.which means there will be sun! And spring! And summer! Good times are just around the calendar corner. .. and always… ENOUGH WINTER ALREADY!
Ma! Thanks, everything has been really coming together on the main floor, you’ll have to come over and see it all sometime soon. I can’t wait for those good times, and no more shoveling. I ordered a snow blower yesterday!
I need to know about your curtains. I have the same rods, same hangers and my curtains just don’t hang as pretty. Did you iron in the creases? Tell me your magic please.
Just stumbled across your blog today and LOVE your home’s aesthetic.
Can you share the source for your living room rug? Thanks!