Guys! I am doing something crazy, and I decided to get in on the fun, and join The One Room Challenge! Have you heard of it? Basically I’ll be participating in a design challenge wherein the participants try to redesign and entire space in the span of six weeks, whilst at the same time documenting and sharing it with you and the rest of the ORC readers.
There is so much good inspiration in this crew of participants, I’m excited to see what cool things folks are doing!
For this project I intend to give our guest bedroom a much needed facelift. Let me tell ya little bit about it. Our guest bedroom is the third of three bedrooms, our boys share a room, and the other is our master. We do actually use it as a guest room, but sometimes it also serves the crucial purpose of being the family infirmary anytime someone in the squad is sick. It has the nickname of the “yellow room” even though it’s not yellow at all(?) – Don’t ask me. I’ve always been hesitant to give this room any personality because its always been a possibility that it might be needed to be a kids room once they tire of being roommates. At nearly 10 and 7, they seem to be pretty content in their shared space. It seems like it’s finally time to give this guest bedroom a budget friendly makeover.

This little room has a few things going for it, it’s the only bedroom in our house with south facing window making it bright, light and airy and seemingly much larger than it’s 10′ x 10′ foot print would suggest. It’s small size and relatively large windows makes it the best little nest in our home.

It’s furnished! Well, sort of. There is a bed and a rug, and I plan on reusing both within the space. Howevs, that Ikea Malm bed has seen waaaaaayyy better days and is going to get a major overhaul! It will be upholstered in a blue velvet fabric with green undertones and custom built light fixtures constructed by yours truly. This room needs some color, and textiles seems like the perfect place to bring it. I’m going to extend the length and height of the headboard to create an upholstered, horizontal, tufted, wonderful, amazing, comfy thing. Talk about transformation on a budg!

Oh, and that south facing light is it’s own asset. As you can see in a few of these pics, I often use this room as a tiny nursery for sowing seedlings in the late winter. I’ve also been known to move any plant into here that needs a little TLC. This room’s destiny is to have plants in it. So what the heck? I thought long and hard about it, and have decided to try and make a brass wall trellis for some green to grow on. If I can pull it off, it will be truly awesome.

Lastly. I love my old house, and I’m not gonna just make it pretty. I’ve got doors to strip, window sashes to paint, and plaster cracks that need some love. I hope to share a little wisdom in all three of those departments as my adventure unfolds.

I’m super stoked to get started and can’t wait to share more. Make sure to check in on the other guest participants, and especially all of the super talented featured designers.
You’re my favorite new-to-me blog! Can’t wait to see what you do!
Awh, Thanks! I hope I don’t disappoint ;)
That wall trellis will be incredible! Love the idea of a ‘living wall’. Definitely looking forward to your tips on fixing up the less exciting parts of these old homes (aka fixing up doors and window trim…)
Also….as excited as I am to see this room I can’t wait for your garden posts to start back up as it’s a sign to me every year that we poor Minnesotans finally have Spring/Summer around the corner.
I am also excited for garden posts, but we are expecting a foot of snow this weekend. It’s killing me!
I think the trellis wall will work, and will be super cool!
Yer killin’ me. I love this so much. That tufted headboard is gonna be so goooood. And I am never not impressed by your light fixturing making skills.
Thanks, Emily! I hope this all comes together, so many moving parts!
Yay! I’m doing my guest bedroom too. Your trellis idea is amazing! I hope you can make it work because it would be stunning!
I have my fingers crossed, but I think I can pull it off, ya never know though ;)
Yes please! I’m always amazed that your ideas turn out so cool. Love your blog and the stuff you’re making.
Thanks, Piia!
Go Scoops!
I’ll try!
Wowzers! That’s going to ROCK!
It better! (ha)
1-800-yes to that wall trellis. I want to do this in my backyard! (P.S. you’re one of my fav IG accounts!)
Ha & Thank you! I really hope I can make this wall trellis happen. Fingers crossed!
love the upholstered bed and that wall sculpture with plants! can’t wait to see the plan comes to life!
Thanks! I’m excited too :)
Looks like you’re going to have one swanky gorgeous bedroom! Such a pretty design plan!
We’ll see. I hope so!
Love that 3D design rendering!! This room is going to look amazing!
Oh my goodness! I love brass and blue! I cannot wait to see how this turns out!
Brass and Blue is my kryptonite, it gets me every time.
I can’t wait to follow along, this room already looks great. I love the current light fixture, but that new one….GORGEOUS!!
Hey Susanne, Thanks! I agree, the room isn’t bad, but it does need a refresh. I think I’m going to try and build my light fixture too, should be fun.
The is an amazing and inspirational article. Thanks so much for sharing.