Okay budz! This is late, but a very true and accurate post. I took these garden pics at the end of June and have been sitting on them for two weeks. Things continue to be C R A Z Y ! in our summer life. I am trying to be as zen as possible about the purchasing of the cabin, but we are coming down to the final two weeks and there is so much to do and organize. Thankfully, the excitement of it all helps to push me through, but there are for sure times where I feel like I’m about to lose my god damn mind.
After weeks of neglecting the garden because of our busy summer schedule, I have found that in the chaos it is still my chill spot. I was able to spend a few hours this weekend weeding, and I swear it takes my stress level down a few notches. There is still lots more to do, and I hope I can get back at it later this week.
That being said, can I just talk about weeding for a sec? I know it sounds like a real shitty no-fun job, but it really isn’t too bad. You can instantly transform your garden bed in a matter of minutes with a quick weeding. This is true instant gratification, ma friends! I also highly recommend trimming back stuff that doesn’t look good. I think a lot of newbie gardeners think that the garden is like this precious little thing that can’t be touched, but seriously it can be. While weeding I deadheaded all my iris, cut back the undergrowth, trimmed my salvia (which encourages a second bloom). Also don’t forget, if your hostas are looking unruly you can trim them too. I spent some time and trimmed off the under layer of all my hostas which makes a really clean look along borders – use the trimmed hosta leaves for a hosta bouquet when you’re done. You might be able to see the effects in some of the below photos. Also, it should be noted that you can trim off hosta flowers too. I think some of them are very pretty and orchid like (I let those ones stay), but the purple spindly ones, not so much. I always chop those things off right away.
This is my ‘Music Box’ rose bush. Pretty pink and yellow flowers which bloom 2-3 times a season.
From my mom’s garden :)
The Thimbleweed that just appeared in my garden.
I totally didn’t save my greenhouse ticket for this Astilbe. Ugh, why do I do this to myself? If I remember correctly this was called Raspberry something or other. So pretty this year, especially against the purple lamium (not pictured).
You can kinda see how I tamed those hostas.
Love all of the things happening here. This maiden hair fern is in her second year. So big and lush!
Yes! After 3 years, this baby finally took off. I also purchased two other clematis to climb the fence this year, and I fear I have lost both of them. They are such sensitive little buggers when they are trying to establish themselves. I am so happy to see this one doing so well.
The sun garden is so happy and way too big!
Window box and Birdie cat photo bomb.

I love seeing your garden. And your blog feels so real in that you reflect real life and the hangups, as well as the fun, exciting times.
Thanks LJ! I try and make it as real as I can :)
Gorgeous. And I’m glad I’m not the only one who cuts off hosta flowers. They make them look really messy, imho. My entire backyard is hostas though (we’re in deep, deep shade), so I’m biased. How is your veggie garden coming along?
I agree about the Hosta flowers. If I don’t get to them right away I always figure that I am helping the bees, but as soon as I can, I chop ’em. The veggie garden is doing alright, I didn’t share it because it hadn’t been weeded at the time and looked like a hot mess, but I have done so since. I am growing my first tomato this year, and jalapenos!
Man, your garden makes me so nostalgic for the Midwest, where I used to garden. We can’t grow any of those things in Austin! And it’s over a hundred degrees out right now, so really too hot to enjoy my garden unless I’m gently marinating in my backyard clawfoot tub.
I bet you have a ton of other pretty succulent stuff you can grow – I totally get the nostalgia thing though. I wouldn’t want to be gardening in 100º weather either, however your backyard clawfoot tub sounds pretty great!
how does your jacob’s ladder still look so good? mine was really pretty for about three weeks in late may, and now looks like super sketchy. your gardens are an inspiration!
Hey Michele! I think it looks good now because it came in so late this year. The other JL next to this one is still super puny and small. I was worried it wasn’t going to make it, so don’t feel bad about yours already peaking.
I love to weed as well, it is a small thing with a pretty big impact visually and I always feel better when I am done with it. Your garden looks lovely Scoops, I like the color purple running through each photo.
Weeding can definitely improve ones mood, can’t it? The weather is nice and cool today, and I plan on spending most of my afternoon mowing, and weeding! I used to never like purple, but it has become a favorite in my garden over the last few years – it’s starting to show isn’t it :)
i planted jacob’s ladder on a whim 3 years ago, totally forgot it existed, never watered it & somehow it’s still alive. it hasn’t grown much at all (if any) but it’s still alive & i don’t even know how it’s possible. plants are weird sometimes.
Can you do a post on what to plant in a window box to make it look so good?! Or is this an old post that I’m missing??
do you have any issues with the Japanese beetles? I got a music box shrub rose this spring, and have found a few on it in the last week. I got an organic spray that is supposed to keep them away but always looking for any kind of other methods or advice!
Hand picking is a pain but really the best way to go. Push them off the leaves and into a cup of soapy water.
Would you mind sharing where you bought your adirondack chairs? I live in Minneapolis and am looking for modern chairs with horizontal wood like yours and can’t find them anywhere online or locally.
Thank you!