Guyses! All the way back in November I got a brand new chair and a brand new rug for under my dining room table. It was all a part of the living room / dining room refresh. I had painted the dining room a almost black color, and had taken the living room a shade darker and bit bluer – nothing major.
As part of the refresh I wanted to actually buy a permanent piece of furniture for the space. By permanent, I mean that a corner of the living room had been sitting vacant ever since the basement remodel last fall. At one point the space had been filled by a TV sitting atop a small dresser, but as soon as we were able to consume television in the basement that era ended. We’ve been sans-television in the living room ever since. Then a Bertoia arm chair had been filling the space, but was never meant to be a permanent solution – it’s natural home was in our bedroom.
To solve for this tricky corner, I initially had my eyes on a pair of rose colored chairs from Target and I even ordered a set ON THE INTERNET. But they had to be backordered, and in the ensuing purgatory I became impatient and decided to purchase an amazing blush velvet swivel chair from West Elm. Be. Still. My. Heart.
Talk about an intervention from a holier realm. I feel as though the big G himself put that Target chair on backorder just so that I could fall in love with this swiveling stunner instead. This chair. If I could marry a chair, this would be the chair. My love is eternal and unwavering.
It’s perfectly petit for my tiny living room, so comfortable, unbelievably soft (you kinda just want to pet it), and it has pleats, PLEATS! I would love to have another one. In fact, I begged Jeff. He said if I drafted a contract saying I would never purchase another chair EVER AGAIN I could have two of these. I am seriously considering his generous offer.
Also, I got a rug. I had tried a rug that was supposed to be a light pink, but once I got it home it appeared to be almost lavender and I couldn’t deal. I was a little concerned that maybe a rug wasn’t the the thing the room needed, and I was a bit hesitant about sending tons of money on expensive rug returns. Then I found this simple soft rug (also from WE). It has small stripes of dark blue and teal nestled in between rows of white. It does a nice job referencing the blue in the living room while also reflecting the light from the bay window in the dining room. I didn’t want anything too graphic since the living room rug is already intrusively grabbing your attention with an intense gray (used to be white) and black chevron-y pattern.
The last step of this refresh would be to recover the dining chairs with a light neutral linen, but for now I’m kind of into the sheepskins I throw on top of the seats to cover the stains (shh, it’s a secret). The other chair in the living room (not pictured but you can see it here) was looking worse for wear and a dude friend suggested that maybe I try a magic eraser to eliminate dirt spots on the arm rest caused by greasy hands — I was hesitant, but it totally worked. God bless the magic eraser.

Can I just say that I’ve never loved these spaces together more than I do right now.
P.S. Don’t you love the way my kids stacked those cool metal orb objects like snowmen and I didn’t notice it ’till after I took all the pics. Oh well.
Ok…I can’t not say something any longer. But first just know that I’m not a troll & I don’t take kindly to folks that are mean. So I want you to know I’m not trying to be mean or make you feel bad.
But you need to fix your drapery rod. It shouldn’t stick out way past your drapery panels. It looks weird!
Your living room is so lovely but your drapery rod kinda spoils it. I’m sorry. But someone had to tell you.
If you had spinach in your teeth, wouldn’t you want to know? Think of it like that.
Is that wallpaper I’m seeing in the last pic (through the glass in the door)? Has that always been there? It’s gorgeous as is the rest of your home
Hi Jennifer! Thanks, and yes the wallpaper has always been there, I think it was the first official home improvement project I took on after we moved in. That is a small vestibule/doorway to our porch.
Mary has a point. The last hole on each drape should be anchored between the end part of the rod (the finial) and the support bracket – like in between the two. This evens out the look and anchors the curtains so they don’t move into the centre of the rod. Hooever….with the type of eyelet drapes you have, it would make the support bracket more visible! Worth a try though.
I’ll tell you what though, I am drooling over your rooms!!! :D xo heather
Dear, you are so right about that chair. YES.
I love those frames with the mini pictures!! Love! Where did you buy?
Oh yes that’s a nice chair. I’m excited about one day soon picking out my “pretty chair”. Also, the fur on the dining chairs is kind of awesome. As for the rod situation, I would’ve never noticed, and after thinking about it, I think I’d prefer it the way you did it (and the way I do it ha). I get why it would bother some, as it’s breaking a rule I guess, but design these days, at least from what I’ve observed, is less about rules and more about expression. For me, when I design, if I look at my space and I feel an itch about something, I change it until I feel satisfied. That’s it. If there’s no itch, it’s good for me. Such kindness from the commenter though :-)
I loved this! I live in a 1906 home with all natural wood trim. I painted my wall in the living room a dark navy but I wanted it to be ,ore your color. Would you mind sharing your color/paint? Beautiful choices!
this paint color is amazing, what is the name?
Hi what is the name of the paint in Home Depot Bair
Has anyone found the name of the paint for the dining room!!?? I love it and want to get it.