This post is in partnership with Anolon for A Night In.
Good evening Friends! If you frequent the cool interior blogs of the internet, you might remember this summer when a bunch of bloggers got together to post about their homes in the evenings (gasp, say what?). I know we are all used to seeing our favorite bloggers share light-filled, airy pics of their homes during the day, but definitely not during the night. Can you even imagine an interior decor pic without overcast sun light pouring through the windows? But pals, nights are the times when our homes feel the coziest, don’t ya think?! I love going around the house and switching on combinations of lights finding the right lighting vibe. That’s why I am so excited to share what our kitchen looks like in the evenings.
Kim of Yellow Brick Home and Julia of Chris loves Julia came up with this crazy concept and now have gone on to host round two of A Night In (sponsored by Anolon)! I loved the idea from the minute I heard about it, and am thrilled to be part of this squad for the fall installment.
Evenings are sacred around here. We try and spend as much time as we can with the kids after Jeff gets home and before they head off to bed. It’s our only real family time during the week nights, and we soak up of every minute of the four of us together. I also cherish the time after those crazy-young-things-that-we-call-our-kids are in bed, and Jeff and I can finally sit back, chill out, make a cocktail and catch up on each other’s days. Recently we’ve been making seasonal cocktails in the evenings, and I wanted to share one of the recent concoctions that we have been hooked on.
Since some readers might be popping in from other blogs I wanted to take a chance to say “Hey” and introduce myself. My name is Alison, and I get a kick out of fixing up my old house! I didn’t have much handy experience when I became a home owner 6 years ago, but after a lot of trial and error I’ve figured out how to do quite a bit of my home’s renovations and repairs myself. I am currently working on renovating the basement bathroom, and am using a lot of the skills I picked up back when I updated the kitchen in 2013. That was my first time tiling, a learned skill which has now helped immensely with my confidence going into my bathroom project. I also installed this open shelving nook area (seen above) around the chimney, changed out lighting, and restored all of the original cabinets and hardware.

Now about this drink, I’ve harvested a bunch of the rosemary from our garden to make rosemary infused simple syrup. Rosemary is consistently placing as a Top 5 Herb in my much anticipated annual Herb Rankings (j/k, that is not a thing). It has such an autumnal aroma to it that it just works for this time of year (autumn, duh). We made a play on a whiskey fizz incorporating rye whiskey, lemon juice, rosemary simple syrup, a dash of orange bitters shaken with an egg white. Perfectly delish and crisp for these fall evenings.

Rosemary Infused Whiskey Fizz (for da fall) Ingredients: Rosemary Infused Simple Syrup: To make the simple syrup. Combine sugar and water in a pan over medium high heat. Wait for the water to boil and for all of the sugar to be dissolved. Add the rosemary and let steep until cool.
In a shaker over ice combine whiskey, lemon juice, simple syrup, bitters and egg white. Shake vigorously for a minute. Poor over one large ice cube (or on its own) and serve with a sprig of rosemary garnish. |

Thanks so much to Anolon for sponsoring this post, and to Kim & Julia for hosting! Please take a sec to hop around and check out some of the other cool bloggers who are sharing also sharing their evening spaces.

+ Kim & Scott Vargo, Yellow Brick Home
+ Kristin Jackson, Hunted Interior
+ Gwen Hefner, The Makerista
+ Anna Smith, Annabode + Co.
+ Brit Pierce, House Updated
+ Joni Lay, Lay Baby Lay
+ Shelby Reed, Grey Loves Grey