Hey budz. The entryway progress continues slowly but surely! Our house has a lot of good things going for it, but one of the things it doesn’t have is a coat closet. Instead it has this really large (in proportion to our house) entryway that doesn’t serve a whole lot of purpose. It basically consists of our stair case, a weird wall cut in half diagonally by the stairs, a bay of piano windows, and a bench seat that covers a radiator. These reasons are why it has taken me six years to come up with a viable plan for the space.
In the winter time us Allens rarely use the front entry, we park the cars in the garage and we exit and enter only through the back door. We use our back mudroom to hang our coats, and we stowaway our boots in our shoe cabinet. When our friends and fam come to visit it’s a different story. They enter through the front door, and have nowhere to hang there coats. When this happens, the radiator/bench wears two hats, functioning as a coat collector and jacket warmer. Hooks were long over due, it was time to install some! My pals need a place to hang there shit. I need my entryway to not be a disheveled chaotic jacket den all winter long.
Of course this is something that I could have done forever ago, but because of this whole lack of a vision for the space thing, I never felt like it was worth doing. Now I’ve got a plan, and a new affinity for wood dowels, copper and leather. Put it all together and you get a wood and leather dowel coat hook with copper accents. Seems logical. Here’s how you can do it too:

There’s still a bit more work to do in the old entryway. I am on the hunt for a rug and some artwork, and I might have to upholster one more bench cushion (have I mentioned that I’m not a fan of sewing), but we’re close, and it’s already improved the lack of function and general prettiness ten fold.
I want to preface this by saying that these are really well done, and I admire the work that you do (LOVE your blog)…but…these look a bit…anatomical, no? The functionality is fantastic, but maybe painting or staining the dowel would help?
Hey! I agree, my gal pals told me no one would notice!! I guess they were wrong!
hahahahaha! i didn’t notice. i actually had to look at them for a minute after reading that comment before i saw it. but of course now that it’s pointed out, that’s all i see..
but i agree. they look pretty & well done! the only thing i would change if i did it for my space would be using shorter dowels. i don’t tend to like hooks that stick out very far.
That’s what she said.
That was my first thought, too! The proportions are just… hilarious. :-D
I’m always a fan of wood and leather together! These look great! I also created a little “entryway” out of basically nothing for our home too – it changed everything!
Okay, I’m glad someone else commented about it first – those are absolutely dicks! Nonetheless, they look great ;)
Oh my god! I knew it, and I did it anyways. New post title: DIY Minimalist Leather Dick Hooks
Bahahahaha I totally didn’t see it before but it’s all I can see now! With coats hanging on them of course no one would notice but empty…yeah.
They look fab and now there is a fun story to them as well :)
I’m all for a good DIY (and you create some awesome ones), but yes, my immediate thought was: Dongs. These are totally dongs. Glad I wasn’t the only one who made the association!
TRIPLE GRIP ANCHORS. I discovered them when we bought our house and they have saved me sooooo many times! For example: Although the house is only 20 years old it has some very interesting stud spacing (why does that sound so weird after reading the comments?). We have open shelves in the kitchen holding our dishes and some of our cookbooks, and more than half of the brackets are screwed into Triple Grips (in drywall!). They have not budged in three years. So glad you found them and love them too!
Ooh, this is good to know that I am not the only one that stands behind these anchors. The only problem I have had is that the can start to spin in place – this only happened once though – but generally the grip is so much more secure than other anchors I have used. Thanks for affirming :)