Here we are, the last garden post of the summer. This year, I can honestly say that I am ready for the fall to come, and for that big autumnal change to happen. Not only am I ready for the colder fall days ahead, but this season change signifies big change for my day-to-day world. Finn started school last week, and today is Gus’ first day at his new school. Life will be different around here. I have time in my days now to begin to focus on the house, this blog, and to begin the process of figuring out how I will define myself in the future days, weeks and months as my full-time mom job winds down. I’m excited.
Okay, so garden stuff. The garden is all ready for the fall, some of the hostas have begun to yellow and I can tell chilly days are right around the corner. Somewhere around the beginning of August I give up on weeding and caring too much about the routine maintenance of gardening. I set timers for the sprinklers and I mow less often, we begin to spend less and less time in the backyard and more time on the porch, as we can all sense that the summer is winding down.
I had some successes this summer, and some fails. The Vanilla Strawberry peegee hydrangea tree has been a great addition to the gardens, adding height and color nearly all summer long. I was also pleasantly surprised by my rose bush, it responded well to not being cut back last fall, and as a result, is huge this year. I had a rough year with my veggie garden, and I know I’ll be reading up over the winter trying to figure strategies for gardening next year. I’m considering using plants from the nursery as opposed to sowing from seed in the spring, I’d love to hear pros and cons of this if you have experience. I have ideas of adding one more sunny vegetable bed in the spot on the side of the house where the orange day lilies are now. The day lilies burn out towards the end of the summer and I think tomatoes or peppers might benefit from the space better than the lilies. The soaker hose irrigation system sprung a leak early on and I never felt confident leaving it on a timer (in fear that I’d flood my gardens), and because of that the gardens didn’t get watered as much as they should have. Next year will be the year.
It’s crazy to think that in less than a months time, the gardens will all be put to bed, waiting for winter. I will be looking forward to seeing them next spring, hopefully bigger and stronger than ever, but I’m also looking to having one less thing to worry about, and instead enjoy spending time with the kids (now that I don’t have to see them all the time), being cozy and focusing on the house.
The impatiens pictured above are insane this year! I grew these “sunny lady” impatiens from seed. These impatiens can tolerate a little sun, and I had a spot for them that was a little sunny in the afternoons. These babes have thrived here and are taking over (in a good way) growing about 12″ hight and providing amazing salmon blooms. I will for sure be doing this again next year.
This tree has been a great investment in lush-backyard-vibes. It started blooming towards then end of June, was white all July as its blooms continued to fill in, and its petals have turned muted pink.

These Southern Comfort heuchera that I planted along the border have been a great addition to the side garden at the base of the Japanese maple, they provide a good amount of color even when they aren’t flowering. If I could do it all again I would use heuchera as my go filler perennial instead of hosta.
Now that I realize that I shouldn’t be cutting back my rose bush every year, it has thrived. It’s nearly as tall as I am, and up to a week ago was full of pink and yellow blooms. Hopefully I will have just as good of luck with my new peach climbing rose that I have plans of training to go along the back of the fence.

I’m worried about the Japanese Maple, some of the leaves have begun to curl and turn brown. Fungus was what led to the demise of my Bloodgood Japanese Maple last year, and I’m hoping that’s not what is happening to this one too. I have my fingers crossed, I suppose I’ll know next spring if it makes it or not. I might die if it doesn’t make it.

Veggie garden was a bust for me this year, it just got too hot too early and then a wet July basically invited all the blight and fungus in to wreak havoc. There’s always next year! Question on the sunny girl impatiens…did you direct sow or start them indoors in pots first? They look great, I’m getting a little tired of paying an arm and a leg for potted annuals but you just can’t beat them for color. However, if starting them indoors is pain free then that might be an option. Congrats on the transition, I’m sure you’ll find your niche, you’re creative and have talent, its a win-win combination. :)
Hey Anya, Sorry for the delay in reply. I agree, I know there were elements that were out of control like heat and all the early spring rain storms. I had slugs on my beans too :(
I start the impatiens indoors around the middle of February and I use a grow light. That was the exact reason I started my own seeds, the cost. It’s a bit expensive starting out, but if you do it more than one year, the gear pays for itself. I grew wave petunias too, it was fun to see them grow and got me amped up for spring.
I love the hydrangeas! Every year I say I’m going to put one in, then I don’t, and am envious whenever I see one in full bloom. I’m sure you’ll figure the veggies out. I managed to keep a basil plant alive and relied on my coworkers for fresh garden veggies. Fresh veggies/herbs are the BEST!
Hey Emelia, sorry for the delay in response. I love hydrangeas too, the snowball ones are so pretty but can get a bit unruly in size easily taking over a small garden. That’s why I like this tree version so much! It has all the texture without taking up valuable lower garden space. You should totally consider one next spring :)
Hi there! Longtime lurker, first time commenter. What is the border that you use in the front garden bed, please? Is it two layers of pavers, one end to end and the other set on their heads? Sounds trite but I’ve been reading for forever. Your gardening (indoor and out) posts are spot on.
Hey Eva! Yes, that sounds about right! It was just your basic grey paving brick, set end to end, and the other set on it’s side (the long way) if that makes sense. I think it gives a really manicured look and raises the border a bit so you can see it from the sidewalk. Thanks for saying Hi! Don’t be a stranger!