Guys! I’m back with the final installment of the girl-party-make-a-light-fixture post! My pal Nicole (aka Colz) needed a new light fixture for over her new black sink — yep that one pictured above — which makes its home in her incredibly awesome new kitchen! We made this brass beauty for her, and it looks amazing – I liked it so much I made one for my bathroom too. Also, don’t worry! I will force Colz to share her kitchen with us once the tiling is finished up, and her cabinets are decked out in real hardware, the blue painters tape is cool and all, but c’mon. Blue tape be darned, I just couldn’t wait to share the sconce. Don’t my She’Vaughns have the best style?
I know this is just a quick “wazzup” post, I’m still in the midst of crazy kid birthday celebraishes over her. Who thought it was a good idea for all of the kids to be born in July? I am so looking forward to the month of August. It will be the one month of the summer where I don’t feel like I’m playing catch up all the GD time. I’ve missed being away from the blog, and making and fixing stuff. I can’t wait to get back at it and share with you dudez.
Onwards! This one went together very quickly and looks super great! Directions and parts list below!

Copper Strap
Universal Mount
Porcelain Socket (2)
Hex Head Nut
Bulbs (2)
Wire B & W (10 ft)
Wire Nuts (4)
Brass Socket Cups (2)
Brass Swivels
Threaded Straight Coupling (2)
Threaded Nipple
5″ 1/8IPS Threaded Brass Pipe
10″ 1/4 IPS Threaded Brass Pipe (2)
Male Slotted Plug
Turned Cluster Body
Acorn Nuts (2)
Threaded Stud (2)
Modern Slip Ring
- Disassemble the socket and attach the wires
- Reassemble the socket with the wires feeding out the end
- Slide 1 threaded nipple down the wire and attach to the top of the socket
- Slide the brass socket cup down the wire
- Slide 1 straight coupling down the wire — Thread one end of the coupling into the nipple now attached to the socket (sandwiching the cup)
- Carefully slide the brass swivel onto the wire
- Thread the swivel onto the other end of the straight coupling, turn the swivel 90º
- Slide the 10″ pipe onto the wire and thread onto the swivel
- Thread the wire through a 1/4″ hole on the cluster and attach the cluster to the other end of the 10″ pipe
(repeat these steps for the the other arm)
- Use the orange nut to attach the 2 black wires to another an additional black wire. With another orange nut, attach the 2 white wires to an additional white wire
- Thread the new black and white wire through the 1/8″ hole on the cluster.
- Enclose the spliced wires inside the cluster and attach screw on the top
- Use the slotted plug to cover the remaining hole on the cluster
- Thread the black and white wire through the 5″ pipe and attach to the cluster
- Send the wires through the center hole on the canopy, slide on the grounding wire and attach to the nipple with a washer and hex nut
- Connect the wires from the sconce to the wires in the wall box. Again, if you’re not sure how to do this, contact an electrician
- Use the mounting bracket and acorn nuts to attach the fixture to the wall

Don’t forget to check out the instructions and part lists for the double brass sconce and the black and brass globe sconce!
You can write as many of these posts as you want. I’ve drooled over every single one!!!
My friends and I need to up our game! The light fixtures have all been great.
Just to let you know I’m unsubscribing because even though you capitalized GD, it still means the same thing and is extremely, extremely offensive to Our Lord. How can you be so blatantly offensive? All your hip talk and cool made up words don’t make you very cool.
You lure us in with a title touting a DIY light fixture and then flash a half-completed wonderful-looking kitchen in our faces, such a tease! Seriously though, the fixture is sa-weet and I can’t wait to see your friend’s completed kitchen. :) PS: I like your made-up words.
So pretty! I adore your friend’s kitchen but I’m going to be “that person” now and say if wished they’d started tiling from the counter to get a full tile under the window- other that that it’s super chic!
Hi there! love this light. I don’t see the canopy on the parts list. Did you have to get it from a separate vendor? Thanks!
Hey Rebekah! Thanks for letting me know – sorry that I missed it! I just added it to the list, or you can grab the link here :)
Hey – the links don’t seem to work anymore, do you happen to have a list of exactly what you bought?