Hey Guys! As promised, here is my source list for the basement! I think I’ve covered most of everything, but please, if there is something I missed or that you are curious about, ask away! I didn’t mention any of the pillows or throws and thats because I got most of them from H&M (Home), Ikea, and Target – unfortunately those sorts of places turn over inventory like what, and a lot of the items were sold out within weeks of purchasing. However, those three sources are my go-to for that type of textile-y thing, so check them out if you are in the market for some graphic soft stuff. My favorite purchase was the buffalo checked throw which is no longer available from Target. We were fighting over those cozy throws and I nearly grounded a kid for taking mine, I decided to make a special trip and stock piled a bunch of them, sorry, I’m probably the reason they are sold out :|
On another note, Apartment Therapy featured our home in a tour earlier this week, it was crazy to have someone else take photos of my house, but don’t worry I took a handful of xanax and made it out alive, oh and the tour looks pretty great too. Check it out if you have a sec to spare. To all of you that stopped by because of that AT post “Hey! It’s kinda fun here, hang out for awhile”!
OH wow, I love those watercolors!!
I was SO excited to see your home on Apartment Therapy the other day, and that Emma did the tour!!! She actually photographed my home a couple weeks ago for a tour that should be going up sometime early this month, and did a tour of my friend Noah’s loft as well (he has the most insane record collection – you should check out his tour). It had always been a dream of mine to get my house on that site!!
Hey Amy! The water color is pretty great, and Kim has a lot of cool paintings to choose from. Yes, Emma did do the tour, she was sweet to work with. I’ll keep my eyes peeled for your tour, can’t wait to see it!
Love this so much!! Can you tell me where the rug on the landing is from?
Hey Michelle! Thank you! I got that black and white rug from target, and I just tried my hardest to find a link for you, but I couldn’t hunt one down. It might be possible it’s not available anymore – it was part of their fall line. It is threshold, if that helps.
Two things: #1 Your house is perfection! So amazing in every way. #2 How the heck do you get in the pit to see Bruce at every show?!?! Saw him last night in Milwaukee and so badly want to be down there!
Thanks, Cristina! Alright, here’s the 411 on the Bruce pit. It’s a General Admission lottery and you are not guaranteed to get in (FYI there has only been one time when we haven’t made it). You show up between 2pm-5pm the day of the show (venues will list exact gates on their sites) and you’ll get a numbered wrist band. You go back at 5pm and line up in consecutive order, from there the pit supervisors will determine a number of people allowed into the pit, and draw the winning lottery number. The rest is pure magic. Here’s a link for more info on hall it works, hopefully next time you see him you’ll be in there!
Also, I hope your show was good, it was one of the best ones ever in Minneapolis. Also saw him in Chicago in Feb, not as good that night.
Thanks for the tips!!!! Now I’m going to have to plan my next time to see him so I can put it into action. Milwaukee was GREAT – but no show of his will ever live up to the one I saw at the 105th Harley Davidson anniversary concert on the lakefront in Milwaukee. He was MAGICAL!!!!!
I saw your house tour on AT and was thrilled to see you’re not only a fellow MPLS gal, but that your home’s layout is almost identical to mine, and therefore is a true treasure trove of applicable inspiration. As a new mom of twins and relatively new homeowner, I’m basically incapable of making any decisions and can use all the inspiration I can get!
Ok, getting down to business, I’m considering building some built-ins in our basement family room, and I love what you’ve got going on here. What did you use for the tops? And are those shelves IKEA too?
And if you’d ever consider doing a little design consulting, I’d take you up on that in a heartbeat :)
Is there a tutorial for the swing arm wall lamp in the basement? I’ve been looking for one like that for my bedside. I can’t figure out from the source site what pieces I need. Thanks!
Can you share the source/brand for your beverage fridge?