Hey Guys! Sorry, I’ve been a little MIA lately. We were on a family vacay and I was very much phoning it in for the last few weeks. I haven’t been a good poster, or comment responder, or blogger in general – but don’t worry, those days are over.
Alright, so I went away for two weeks and got to come back to a drywalled basement! It is really starting to look so real. The excitement within me is brimming over.
I know a lot of this basement series has been pretty redundant, but the hanging of the sheetrock has been a real game changer. The pics are now changing from ugly dark basement shots to photos of actual real-deal spaces filled with light, and design, and all that good stuff.
So here’s a few kinda pretty pics of the progress:

Sheet rocked
Basement Remodel : Week 2
Basement Remodel : Week 3.5
Basement Remode : Week 5
Coming next post, paint & flooring!
I’m trying not to ooze with too much jealousy but oh my goods. My basement is currently dark knotty pine, asbestos tile and general creepiness. Everytime I see your tree wall paper I swoon. Can’t wait to see the final product! Also…how are those flowers and plants doing? Are they recovering?
Oh no, I feel your pain, ours was rough too. I can’t wait to see it all come together either!
Thanks for keeping the basement updates coming! No detail is too small for me, I’m planning my own now and I love what you are doing. It’s really interesting to see the steps! Thx!
I’m glad you like them! If this wasn’t my blog, and it was someone else’s, I would like to see them too.
Progress!! It’s going to be awesome!!!
I think so too!
Hello! We are in the middle of a basement renovation and I’m LOVING your cabinets. Can you let me know where those are from? THANKS!