Guys! My hand is still ruined, but I’m not going to stop it from sharing my April garden with you. I still can’t do anything unless I use my left hand only, which has been problematic for a lot of things; like putting your hair in a pony tail, driving, writing to-do lists, and buttering toast. However my left hand still does just fine at getting cocktails to my mouth, so I am learning how to survive. Today I get my cast and will find out how long my sentence in hand-jail will be.
Anyway, It’s April garden time and I’m sharing all the pics. The gardens looks super good and lush this year — super stoked about the early spring. I’m dying to mulch, but will have to wait until my husband can help, I will have to use all the willpower not to join in. Hopefully by the May-garden-post my hand will be getting to semi-functional status.
My left hand is getting tired of writing to you now, so I’m gonna wrap this up. I’ve appreciated all the comments and words of support that you guys have left in the last post, and I will reply to all of them over the coming week.

I’m so excited to see the peonies this year, last year a bunch of the tiny stalks got trampled during the fence installation and I didn’t get to see all these pretties. Plus, I planted two new peonies in my anniversary garden last spring, ‘Raspberry Charm’ and ‘Coral Charm’. They be real purty.

Look! Do you see ’em?

ooo, the crabapple looks like the kind that smells really good!
Best wishes for your hand! I broke my right arm @the wrist in Feb., and was in a cast for 6 weeks. Don’t know how much different it’ll be for breaking hand bones. I hope you can get a waterproof cast. They say they’re itchy but I didn’t think so (the gauze is kinda like a finer mesh version of the loofah sponges made out of plastic netting) and it’s totally worth being able to shower normally. You’ll get used to doing things left-handed in a week or so, it’ll be okay. Bonus about having a cast on in the warmer weather: you can still get your arm through the shirts you want to wear :-)
Oh no! Are you right handed? It’s the worst having it happen to your dominant hand, isn’t it? They actually gave me a cast that I can remove when I’m bathing and doing hand exercises! It works out pretty great but sometimes it’s so itchy I want to take it off but I know I shouldn’t. I have another appt at the end of the month and I’m hoping they will tell me I’m good to go then.