Yo Bros. Just dreaming about spring over here and wondering how you guys feel about hammocks? I feel very good about them, and am very much considering adding one to my backyard-garden-vibes. What do you think? I think it could probably make a totally great mother’s day present for a super cool mom (such as myself) who likes to chill in hammocks. Hint to the fam.
I don’t have any good hammock trees though, so I’m thinking about getting one of those wood arc stands. My husband guy thinks the wood stands looks like pirate slave ships, but I think they look cool and modern and have a bit more character than one of those generic green metal stands. Any of you cool dudes have experience with hammock stands?
I’m also still liking those white Nicaraguan hammocks. I’ve had my sights set on one of the puppies since last spring. I think the crocheted edges add so much hammock magic to the standard woven hammock.

I love the idea! I was in Key West in February and absolutely fell in love with this double rope chair and footrest. I’ve been trying to convince myself that it would be the prefect addition to my deck. I, too, am lacking the ideal structural support for what I like to call the “swinging, hanging, grill-watching, beer and/or summery cocktail sipping throne of all delights”. So, I say, go for it- pirate ship or no pirate ship.
I know! I have crushes on hammocks from Mexico and northern MN cabin times. I think we should both take the plunge because it would be a good addition to my backyard and your deck. Yes on the cocktails ;)
My pillow top hammock is MAGICAL!!! It’s not super attractive, but it’s so GD comfortable I don’t even care. It’s one of the best items I’ve ever purchased for myself!
I know you and Heidi love your hammocks. I think I should join your club. The pillow top sounds amazing, but I think I just like that crocheted edge too much.
I recently bought a hammock with the stand via Craigslist. It is indeed the metal basic deal. My only gripe is the whole thing blows over on windy days. I’m with Alexa on looks – a hammock is so comfy and dreamy – a little ugliness is forgivable. I pile mine up with soft blankets and pillows. And my dog. I just need the motorized rocking thing that baby swings have. I say go for it.
I see those metal stand hammocks blown over all the time when I walk around the hood, it’s normal! I like the idea of blankets and pillows, what do you do when you leave them out in a rain storm? Do you have a comfy all weather pillow you recommend? Yes to the motorized rocker! I was already scheming ways of attaching a rope to the fence so I could pull on it…
My uncle in Alexandria just MADE one of those crazy awesome pirate ship hammock stands!I think they are amazing!!!!
Woah, he did? That is awesome. I watched a youtube vid on making your own but it was way out of my league.
It might be a bit of a stretch to say my whole life’s ambition is to own a hammock and spend my life blissfully rocking and reading in it…but maybe it’s not. I think you definitely need a hammock, in whatever form you can get it, but I do like the wooden stand/crocheted hammock combo you’re dreaming of. That would be an excellent (and useful!) Mothers’ Day present.
oh, yeah! go for it! this will not be a purchase that you regret. I love reading and napping in my hammock. it’s ridiculously comfortable and relaxing.
Everyone needs a hammock..hammocks make a home complete
Nice post..hammocks are just awesome.. i love them