This spring will mark the beginning of my sixth gardening season. All of the plants in the garden are mature now, and the garden and flower beds have really filled in. I can’t even tell you how much I love to watch the perennials grow and change every year – fer real, I’m kinda obsessed.
I was just starting to see peonies, sedum, and bleeding hearts push their way through the surface of the soil when as expected, March decided to totally diss the midwest. On sunday night it snowed and got really cold, it’s supposed to snow again tonight. Sometimes it’s really hard to live in such a wintery climate.
Trying to keep it poz-e (aka positive) though, so I’ve been doing a little garden dreaming and planning. I’ve spent a lot of time pouring over old garden posts highly anticipating what has to be right around the corner. The garden is mature now, most of the plants are very large and have filled in nicely. Some of them may even have to be split up this year or rearranged based on their size. This is where I can begin to play with layouts, heights, colors and start to fine tune, edit, and arrange the plants where they are happiest and look the prettiest. I’ve got my eye on a few perennials and bulbs that I am really hoping to add to the garden this summer. So here’ what I’m thinking:

I personally really enjoy watching you put the work into your gardens. I have a black thumb and have failed my yard for the eight years I’ve lived here. Killed everything I’ve planted except for one salvia! Looking forward to watching your garden grow and dreaming of thriving plants in my yard.
The Japanese Forest Grass I have grown and loved. Be prepared for it to fill out slowly but it’s really worth the wait. Astilbe and Alliums are still in my future garden I guess. I might add that when the alliums bloom out baseball bats and hockey sticks need to be confiscated for a few weeks. Boy, would those be tempting to little boys.
I have serious garden envy since I am limited to house plants for the foreseeable future! I love the idea of Japanese ornamental grasses and agree that the astilbe would be beautiful mixed in with the hosta – my parents had a super super shady yard (so, all hosta all the time) and that was one of the best ways to add some color.
Eek! While outside the other day (before we got this snow – i’m in MPLS too) I was dreaming and scheming about my yard then I started hoping you’d start doing garden talk soon so I could steal some of your ideas and here you are! That astible is making me swoon…
Yes, looking forward to a season of gardening posts here!
Don’t worry! They’re coming!