Oh man! It downpoured for 15 minutes late yesterday afternoon, and as soon as the rain was over the kids went out to splash in some puddles. Typically they like to truck through the puddles at a million miles an hour trying to make as much sweet spray as they can. They like me to take videos of them so they can see how cool it/they look(s).
So I obliged, I ran inside to get my phone because that’s how I take videos (duh). I used to use my camera to capture moments, but now I use my always-at-the-ready phone. Isn’t that so lame? I mean it’s good in a pinch, but I’ve really come to rely on it.
Sitting on my desk was my phone and my camera, guess which one I grabbed – I bet you can already tell by these pics. I used my camera! I love all these photos I took of them puddle stompin’ – I realized I would really like to try and get my camera out in the action a bit more.
Aren’t these kids getting so big? They are going to be six and three this month and I wish I would have taken the time to document more of the last year on my real camera.
It’s on. I’m going to do better!

Super adorable boys! Insane how quickly they grow up! I’ve got three kids of my own, ages 2, 4 and 9 and jumping in puddles is one activity that spans the age gap-they all love it (and gotta admit I’ve gotten in on it too!) love the pics, have a super week!!
Thanks Shelly! I know, it does span the age gap – those special times are some of the best.