Do you like how I got that cardinal to pose for my fence pic?
It is raining cats and dogs over here, today is especially nuts, I think we’re closing in on 4″ of water falling from the sky over the last twelve hours! Flash flooding and total insanity abound. I am losing my mind not being able to go outside, my heart is crying. I just stare out my windows waiting for it to stop.
So out of pure boredom I thought I would do this self indulgent fence post. Stop me when you guys start hating me for seeing my garden in every GD post. I was going to save these fence pics for my June-garden-recap but decided the fence might as well have a post dedicated to it’s beautiful self. It is so pretty after all.
Basically, it finally looks like it belongs in the yard now that the perennials are all full size and blooming. I wanted you to see it when things were growing next to it.

I could totally make out with that fence.
Your yard looks beautiful!
Thanks, Heather! That is sweet of you to say!
The new fence looks great and your garden is beautiful!
Thanks, Sarah!
Thanks, Courtney!
Your garden + fence are stunning!
I noticed you’ve planted salvia cardonna in your garden. Anything special to keep them alive? I purchased one for a container on my porch and it quickly died. Is it not supposed to be in a container? Thanks!
Hey Erin, I always thought that Salvia was supposed to be one of the more hardy plants that you can grow. It is a perennial so typically it would be planted in a garden, but I don’t see why it would be unhappy in a planter. I wouldn’t give up on it though, I’ve given mine quite the beating and they always come back. Good luck!
Wow, what a gorgeous garden (and fence)!
Thank you, Arli!
Beautiful garden! And keep the gardening posts coming– they are always filled with great ideas and beautiful pics. I love the differing shades of stain on the fence, such a unique look.
Thanks, Allie! I’m sure you will see more of my garden projects in future posts. I’m loving being outside right now. What you are seeing on the fence is where the sprinkler hit it before I took the photos. I would love it if I could find a stain that made the fence look the same way as it did when it was wet.
Oh–that coloring looks intentional—haha!! Either way, looks great.
Fence looks amazing! Totally pinning all of these shots. Do you have a running plant list from the photos?
Hey Laura, Thanks! Here’s a quick run down of plants see in the photos. Hostas, Fiddlehead Ferns, Solomon’s Seal, Peony, Impatiens, Asiatic Lily, Daylilly, Iris, Salvia, Sedum, Bleeding Hearts, Phlox. Hope that helps!
Your hard looks so lovely! The fence looks beautiful.
Thanks so much, Amber!
The fence is beautiful, yes. But I need you to move to Ohio (preferably the southwest region) and work your green thumb magic on my yard, m’kay?
Thanks, Dana! I’ll swing by next time I’m in Ohio ;)
Apart from doing all those things, you also need to be careful when storing them.
Currently only saline can be obtained while using the TUBA
technique. The Chromebook can easily handle dozens of open tabs, lots of writing work and HD video playback,
The fence looks wonderful and the peonies are perfection but don’t make out with the fence – splinters you know.
Oh yeah, I suppose. I guess I’ll just have to longingly admire it.
Did you have that fence put in by professionals or did you DIY? If you did DIY, what is the link to the post? I am getting ready to do my own fence and I LOVE the way yours looks! I am sure I can manage something along the lines of it, but I would really love to read about yours!
Hey Bre, I hired Dave @ Fencein Deck to build our fence. I share the plan I designed for it over here.
Hi. We love your fence and want to create the same design for our home. Thank you for sharing your plans of the board sizing and spacing. We were wondering if you could also share about the construction of the posts? At fist we thought they were 4x4s but on closer look we’re thinking the base is a 2×6 with a 2×1 attached to either side to create the channel, but that’s obviously just a guess! Your fence is so lovely and we’d love to recreate it in our yard (in Wisconsin)! Thanks!
Hey Susan! Thanks, we love it too! I have to give our fence builders at the credit for the construction of the post system. They are 4×4 boards that are flanked with 2×2’s on the vertical interior sides and 2×4’s on the horizontal (interior). Then the horizontal slats are installed at an angle with nails and on the exterior side of the fence it is finished with 1×2 for the vertical boards, 1×4’s for the horizontal and a 2×4 across the top horizontal. Let me know if you need more info then that. There is also some close ups over on this post.
Scoop — Thank you SO much for sharing this information! You are awesome!
Your fence is fantastic!! would you share the dimensions of the vertical and horizontal boards?? I would like to build one similar to it.
PS The email addr. is lower case
What did you use to keep the posts in place,cement? Gravel? and cost wise. Sorry to ask but we are looking to put a fence in our yard, and I just fell in love with this!
Canadian friend :)
Might I see plans for your fence? We need to put in 300+ linear feet. I have never seen this style before.
I also love the fence, can you tell me what type of wood that is? and how did you stain the fence to get the unified color at end?
Thank you.
Hey Rachael, the fence is cedar and I stained it with three coats of chocolate semi translucent stain from behr. I used a brush too, fyi!
Thank you Scoops!
Hi, What a beautiful fence and garden! Can you share with me the color of your stain? Did you use two colors? That looks like a cedar fence, correct? Thanks!
Hi Scoops,
I, too, love your fence design and am going to copy it. I’m sorry, I see bits and pieces of the plan info spread throughout several responses, but would love to have the complete plan. I am not sure what you mean by the boards being put in at an angle, as they look flush and level to me… Since so many have asked for it, do you have a concise summary plan you could email me? I’m pretty dang handy if I have the plans in my hand. Thank you so much, nice job !
Best looking fence Iv’e seen. Excellent-most beautiful flowers as well. Great job!
I love the fence (and your design sense). I’m about to put in a fence and the horizontal fence design was fairly similar but the shape of top “cap” and posts plus the two toned stains takes it over the top.
I saw that you mentioned using three coats of chocolate semi translucent stain from behr (and a brush) but what was the second color. Since the horizontal looks vastly lighter, I’m assuming it was a different tint. Also, was it oil based? How has the stain weathered over the years? I’m a little overwhelmed by all the options and reviews/blogs out there. Cheers!
I am looking to have a fence across my back yard — front yard all sun perennial garden with a small fish pond, backyard – all shade – neighbors with driveway and many cars — I LOVE THIS FENCE — any info on how I can figure out how to do it?
Love love love your fence! I think Ive read every post you wrote abt it but was wondering what color stain you used in these pics above? It looks lighter here than the chocolate stain you used a year later? True? Thanks for your inspiration!
Can you tell me the size of board that was used for the posts of your fence?
It seems like your fence has two colors. Can you tell us what they are? Looks amazing (both the plants and the fence).