Our veggie garden has really been coming to life over last few weeks. We’re even getting close to harvesting a few things. We’re already knee deep into arugula and radishes, both veggies have been making good ingredients for the most amazing salads. I think I’d be happy with a whole garden just dedicated to arugula, it is seriously my fav.
Soon we’ll have beans, peas and carrots too! I plan on pickling a lot of the beans like I did last year. The spicy bean recipe I shared turned out to be my favorite canned item out of all the veggies I canned. They were sooooooo good, we used them in Bloody Mary’s, and along side cheese and meat spreads. Unfortunately we ran out before the snow even hit the ground, it was a sad sad day when that happened. Next year, I want there to be jars and jars full of beans, we will never run out!
I can’t recommend veggie gardens enough. Having a raised bed garden has been so easy, and it has been a great learning experience for the kids. The maintenance has been minimal, all we have to do is make sure it doesn’t dry out (which hasn’t been hard this year), keep up with the weeds (which are few), and replant seeds from time to time. I’m even thinking about expanding a bit next year, maybe make an arugula only bed ;). I encourage anyone who is on the fence about having their own veggie garden to try it, you want be disappointed!

Quick question on the peas and cucumbers … are they needing any trellis/vine/support? Ours are just growing now and I’m worried I didn’t plan properly for our little container garden we have going on (no space / not ready for a proper raised set of beds).
Your garden is lovely!
Thanks Naomi!
Yes, you probably need some sort of support. I have little tomato supports around the peas wich they are growing up, but I probably should’ve used some stakes and chicken wire, or a net of some type for them to grow on. As far as the cucumbers go, I start mine in the garden, and then help them find their way to the fence which is right nearby. Then the grow up the fence for the rest of the summer. You could always get crafty and use a railing, fence, or find an inexpensive trellis for them to grow on. Good luck!!!
We are on the way to the thrift store right now and hope to find something funky for the cucumbers!