Finally it has happened to me right in front of my face and I just can not hide it! Yes, buddies!, my new sofa and chair have finally arrived. Over the last 3 months (between ordering, production and delivery) I have gotten the chance to doubt every decision that I have made about these two, and I was pretty convinced that everything was going to end horribly. This is what I do.
Even after they were delivered yesterday I was certain the gray fabric on the sofa gave off a violet hue, and it was obviously too long for the room, duh. Don’t you do this to yourself when you finally get the chance to purchase something nice? Well the good news, it’s been a cool 24 hours, and I’m loving it. It’s perfect, I think… I mean, I really do love it, and I’ll always second guess myself, but I think it’s looking pretty good.
Guess how long it took for my favorite mad-about-drawing-almost-two-year-old to make a nice pen mark on my new perfectly-sized-for-this-space chair? The answer is seven hours. Luckily, with just a little bit of effort it came out and you can’t even tell that it has gotten all penned up. I think during waking hours I may have to toss a nice throw blanket over the cushions on both the sofa and Cole chair. We’ve already implemented a NO pen, drink or food policy in the living room. We have plenty of other place to do those activities (I mean we only have 4 sets of tables and chairs).

My favorite part of the André sofa is that it can fit so many butts on it and it has lots of nice tufting and buttons! I really am very happy with it all, and I’m 99% sure we made all the right decisions. Yay!
Congrats! You have my dream living room, I’m going to just live vicariously through you while I sit here salivating at your photos. Nice Job!
Anya! Thanks, we’re loving it too!
The furniture looks great – no doubt needed! You totally made the right choices.
Hey Kelly, Yeah, as each day passes I’m loving it more and more. Sometimes you just have to second guess yourself ;)
Nice choices! Looks excellent.
Looks awesome girl! Great choices!!!
Thanks! You still loving your Cole chairs? Ours has a squeak in it, but they’re coming to fix it next week.
Very smart. I love the contrast of the grey with the blue walls.
Great choices! I love the wooden woven pouf side table with the books on it. Where did you purchase it? Thanks!
Hey Kristin, the pouf is a vintage Franco Albini ottoman. You can find them all over etsy and ebay, but I think if you search your local thrift store, you’ll run into one sooner or later, and hopefully for a lot less than what you would pay on ebay or etsy. I was lucky enough to have a reader point me in the direction of one and I got it for a steal and a consignment store.
Good luck!
This looks amazing! I love how natural everything looks. My boyfriend and I are in the middle of redecorating our apartment, I’ll have to show this to him! He really loves recliners so I’m looking at different recliners for sale in hopes of finding one that will go good with our newly decorated living room! Thanks for the inspiration.
Wow..That’s really awesome. The Andre sofa is really gorgeous. I love the pics. Keep it up
Just curious if you are still loving your Andre sofa after several months? I’ve been shopping for new sofas and your posts have helped steer me in this direction. I thought I’d see of you still love it as much as day one!
Hey Ashley!
Yes, I totally love it. I was worried that my cushions would lose shape, as I read about that on a lot of other reviews, but so far they haven’t. I make sure to rotate them every Monday morning. I am super happy with the sofa though, it looks as good as it did on day one, all of the buttons are intact and it’s nice and long and comfy. I have 2 boys, and there have been some spills, I use Folex, and stains lift right out of the fabric, I would recommend getting some.
Thanks so much for your quick response/advice. I ordered an Andre this weekend (after a couple unsuccessful trips to the outlet). I ended up doing a custom durand granite fabric that comes standard on the wells because I loved the woven texture so much. Now I just have to wait in suspense until the end of January. Btdubs, I love your kitchen remodel…it has turned out beautifully!