I’m trying to be as economical as possible when it comes to planning this nursery. With unpaid maternity leave to look forward to, we have to pinch every penny for the next 18 weeks. That being said, I was trying to figure out the best way to get a cool and comfortable rocking chair into my life, and I think I’ve come up with a solution.
A few years back I picked up a pair of Eames shell arm chairs for $150 bucks from my old friend, Craigslist. I’ve had them all over my house and they currently make their homes in separate rooms. One of the chairs has ended up in my entry way and has been keeping my new desk company. The other has been floating around from room to room and is in bad need of a home. I put two and two together and figured this might be the time to turn this little yellow chair from an ‘H’-frame-base into a rocker and give it some purpose!
Here is a photo of the chair in it’s current state for reference.

It didn’t take long to come up with a list of sellers on ebay that sell a rocker base for these Eames chairs for less than $100. Might I remind you that to buy a rocker shell chair new from DWR would cost $479.
This is by far the cheapest solution I have come up with so far. I’ve had an RSS search set up on craigslist for months now looking for the perfect chair or rocker with no success, the closest other option I have come to is this mid-century style chair from Urban Outfitters selling for $289 and from the reviews I’ve read it doesn’t seem to even rock that well even though it looks great, and plus I am worried that it will be a little oversized for this little babies, little room.
So I’ve figured out the “cheap” factor, but what do I do about the comfortable factor? For me, I’ve always thought that the shell chairs were comfortable chairs, but I’ve never had to sit at one at 3 AM while attempting to nurse a tiny little baby. I’m just not sure how well that will work out. I’ve noticed that there have been plenty of parents that have choose the Eames rocker for their nurseries but I’ve never heard how well that’s worked out, so if anyone out there has any advice for me please feel free to share.
As a practical solution to this problem I have began to wonder if including another item to the room such as a foot stool might help with the comfortability factor of this chair. So I began to dig around again and have come up with this pouf from CB2 (for $89.95) as a potential solution to my problem. Having a foot rest would help with positioning and rocking during these late night feedings plus it soft and comfortable so I won’t have to worry about a toddler getting hurt when it comes time for that, and lastly it can serve as additional seating in the room for when Finn might want to stop in and take a peak at what’s going on.
So to make a long story short, I’m this close to pulling the trigger on purchasing rocker legs for my existing shell chair, and the grey knitted pouf (to increase cozy levels), but I’m just not 100% on how practical the chair is comfortable wise for a nursery. So if anyone has any advice for me please let me know. I’d love to hear what you have to say.
I think the rocker looks great but I am no help in the “is it comfortable” department! I will tell you that I have the pouf now and seeing it in person, it is even nicer than it appears online. It's a good size for a footstool but makes a nice little makeshift seat, too. I think you would like it!
Yes!, good to hear about that pouf, I already think it looks great in your room and I'm glad to hear it's even better in person. My concerns were that it might be too big or that it wouldn't make a good extra seat. We need a CB2 around my neck of the woods so I can check this stuff out in person. Until then thanks for letting me know how it really is. :)
I am getting more and more convinced that the Eames chair/grey pouf combo is the right way to go.
i had my eye on this forever when i was pregnant with jack but it was ALWAYS sold out. its essentially the same thing you already have so i say put the rocker base on the chair and go for it!
I just came across this pouf/stool shop on Etsy today and it made me think of you: http://www.etsy.com/shop/lacasadecoto?ref=seller_info
There may be a cheaper/just as beautiful option here!
Thanks for the link, the first thing I did when I started looking for a pouf was search through etsy (because it's my fav) but couldn't find anything that was as affordably price. This shop rules, thanks again for the link!
Hey, I've been reading your blog intermittently for awhile now and love both of your creativity and ideas!
I'm not sure if you've come up with a rocker solution yet…I'm an interior designer, not a mom, but i've done a fair amount of babe rockin'. I think it would be pretty important to have a place to rest your head when you're up in the wee hours of the am and this back seems to be a bit low for that.