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Deuce Cities Henhouse

My April Garden

Ah yeah guys, we've got some minor bloomage going on! My bleeding hearts are huge and beautiful. I love them so much, I wish they would bloom all summer long! The Sedum's are getting bigger, they've grown so much since their first season 2 summers ago. I just transplanted this little guy from the front of the house to the back corner of the backyard. I am actually surprised he decided READ MORE
in gardening

My March Garden

Hey guys! I'm excited about this post, because this post means that it's officially happening, SPRING! We had a few days of really super nice weather 70º's and sunny. It was the best. Now it's like 50º and it makes me sad, but at least my garden is growing! Last Summer I tried to take a pictures of my garden during the summer months so I could document it's process. More than anything READ MORE
in gardening, Month-to-Month