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Deuce Cities Henhouse

So, you're one of those people that hates beets, or you are like me an you tolerate them, but you don't go out of your way to eat them. I personally kind of think beets taste like dirt, but for some reason I'm kind of into that, still I don't love the things. I had low expectations for this recipe, but decided I had to try it because we had to eat our beets somehow! Guys! This recipe is READ MORE
in Eats
Another great recipe from our CSA (Driftless Organics) this week. I've been trying to make a very conscious effort to eat more healthy and make better food decisions over the last few weeks. I really want the kids to grow up with healthy habits. It's hard to get them away from the mac n' cheese and hot dogs, but I'll do me best to incorporate veggies and healthy alternatives into their daily READ MORE
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in Eats
Last week we received our first CSA box of the season!! Are you familiar with or do you participate in a CSA (community supported agriculture)? We started last year as a way to be aware, really aware of where our produce was coming from. We also saw it as a way to get the kids, who have an aversion to veggies, to give one a try every once in awhile. For me, I was really excited about cozying READ MORE
in Eats