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Deuce Cities Henhouse

Last week marked the third year that Jeff and I have been cabin people! I thought it would be the perfect time to look back and see what's been happening during the last three years. Sometimes I don't realize it, but it's been a lot. We've really made this cabin our own, and I'm so happy to see how far it's come... READ MORE
in The Cabin
A lot of you have probably never seen our most used bathroom – our second floor bathroom which all four of use every single day. It’s obvious that I haven’t ever given it much thought or care. Welcome to my most embarrassing post. A quick recap, I painted the vanity and tried to spruce up the towel bars a few years back, but honestly that’s all that we’ve done to this space... READ MORE
in Around the House, Bathroom, My House
Hello Team! So many things went through my mind this weekend as I was beginning phase 2 of our budget bathroom remodel at the cabin. I made a mental list as I was working so that I can share with you now. If you need to catch up, phase 1 of the bathroom remodel can be found here and my initial plans are over here... READ MORE
in Bathroom, DIY, How-To, The Cabin

Reveal : Cabin Kitchen

So stoked to share the cabin kitchen revamp (mostly on a budget) with ya, I mean it’s only been a year in the making. Talk about slow design! Of course, some of that slowness is by necessity, renovating a small cabin kitchen when you leave 120 miles away isn’t going to happen over night. When I get presented with a design problem like our kitchen cabin, my first instinct is to make the most trying to maximize design on a budget... READ MORE
in Kitchen, Reveal, The Cabin
Alright, I've been trying to not think about spring for a long time. I keep trying to enjoy the winter (which I admit, I've been really good at this year). The last few weeks have been especially warm, and now that it's back to stupid cold again, I just can't. Spring needs to get here already! Anyways, against my husbands wishes, I have been scheming about a dream patio space in our backyard. READ MORE
in Around the House, Inspiration, Outdoor