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Deuce Cities Henhouse

Guyses! All the way back in November I got a brand new chair and a brand new rug for under my dining room table. It was all a part of the living room / dining room refresh. I had painted the dining room a almost black color, and had taken the living room a shade darker and bit bluer - nothing major. As part of the refresh I wanted to actually buy a permanent piece of furniture for the space. By READ MORE
in Around the House

Stuff that happened in 2016

Hey Guys, I hope you all had a safe and happy start to the New Year! It has felt v incredible to have time away from the computer and projects over the last few weeks. We all need to reset from time-to-time, and for us there is no better way then to take a good hunk of time over the holidays to do so. Not to get too into feeling sharing, but I'm pretty stoked for this new year, last year was READ MORE
in Around the House

Bathroom Plan : Take Two

Hey Team, How's it going? Welp, here I am, still talking about my dang basement bathroom again. I'm sorry, I'm that jerk that just can't follow through. Now I'm ready though, I'm really seriously ready. My plan is slightly different than the last time around. Before I was committed to black matte penny tile on the floor, and this 2.0 version includes some dark blue flooring options. I just READ MORE
in Bathroom, Inspiration

Coming Home to a New Rug

Hey Guys. Sorry for the radio silence. I didn't intend to be gone so long. The kids are on summer vacay, and now that everyone is kinda old, summertime has been really fun! The boys' friend Elsa is staying with us during the weekdays -- we've been spending mornings at the beach for swimming lessons, and evenings at the park for little league. I'm trying out that free range parenting thing, the READ MORE
in Around the House, Decor
Hey guys! We've moved into our 5 years ago this month! That's the longest I've ever lived in one place since moving out of my folks' place - head's up - that was 15 years ago! We love this house so much, like the most! We'll be staying here for the long haul. We've/I've been busy the last few years really trying to make this house our own. I believe that making a home is one of those things that READ MORE
in Around the House, Exterior