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Deuce Cities Henhouse

Window Cleaning

Guys! I'm gonna share a secret, the one thing you can do to improve your homes interiod during the winter months is to make sure to give your windows (storms too) a good cleaning this fall! READ MORE
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Painting the Cabin Dark Green

Painting the Cabin Dark Green

I want to spend a good chunk of the summer focused on updating the exterior of our Wisconsin cabin. I’ve got big plans, and at the top of the list is a new paint job. Since the day we looked at it, we talked about eventually painting it black. I ...
Instructions for Choosing and Installing the Perfect Ceiling Medallion

Tutorial : Installing a Ceiling Medallion

Wazzzup! Let’s talk about ceiling medallions! Remember back when I was doing the dining room refresh earlier this year? One of the things on my refresh list was a new ceiling medallion. I had been planning to change out the our drum light fixture with this beaut from Patrick Townsend ...
Painting My Stairwell without Dying

Painting My Stairwell without Dying

Hey Pals! I've been teasing this post for awhile, but I never meant for it to take so long to get to ya. The reason this post is such a big deal for me, is that I've been trying to figure out how to paint the stairwell with high ceilings ...
Details and Plans on how to Construct a Horizontal Fence

All The Info About My Horizontal Fence

It’s like clockwork, every spring the e-mails about my fence start to trickle in. I never knew when we first built the fence that it would attract so much attention, but it has! It has been very well documented but the info is scattered around the blog and I thought ...
Target's Patio Sale is Just What I Need!

Target’s Patio Sale is Just What I Need!

Today I felt inspired, so I thought sharing a few of my favorite things from Target’s patio line might help me break through. Let me start by saying it went from 50 some degrees yesterday morning to straight up blizzarding today, that’s supposed to be funny, right? I don’t know ...
Dining Room Reveal | Deuce Cities Henhouse

A Dining Room Refresh with Article

I am so excited to share with you guys my dining room refresh! Bing! Bing! Bing! Our dining room has seen few big changes over the year. We moved into this house with a mid-century dining set and no real plan. I love our vintage Drexel dining set but after ...
Curio Coffee Table in the Living Room

Curio Coffee Table in the Living Room

Hey Team! I didn’t mean for that break to be so long. I’ve been struggling with some SADz and my motivation and focus has been lackluster these past few weeks. I’m so looking forward to a break in the weather. The snow and shoveling is relentless and a constant reminder ...
Basement Update : A New Coffee Table and a Mini Reveal

Basement Update : A New Coffee Table and a Mini Reveal

Guys! I wanted to give you a little update on our basement. All the way back in November we purchased my forever dream coffee table. I’ve had my heart set on this baby for years, and I was so excited to bring it home to live in our basement. In ...


Hi! I’m Alison Allen

I started Deuce Cities Henhouse in 2009 – a blog about fixing up and restoring my 110-year-old Minneapolis home and updating our worn out and out, dated Wisconsin cabin. My family and I (my husband and two boys) moved into our current home nearly ten years ago, and since then I’ve been chronicling my journey of owning, renovating, decorating and DIY-ing our home.
I’m passionate about empowering women to take on projects that they might have normally not had the confidence to do, incorporating modern design and aesthetic into my home, thoughtful design solutions, and landscaping. I’ve done it all, from easy do-it-yourself home improvement projects to full on renovations and remodels.