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Deuce Cities Henhouse

Cabin Update

Hey Team! I’ve been meaning to blog so many times lately, but I just couldn’t get it together to do it. Earlier this year I decided to only write and work on the blog when I really truly felt inspired to, and I didn’t like the stress I was putting on myself to share a certain amount of times a week. I wanted to be more present in the day-to-day, which made me realize that blogging is only really READ MORE
in The Cabin
Hello people! I wanted to share with you a few ideas I've been knocking around for the cabin kitchen. A little background, the kitchen cabinets are currently painted a light sage green, and the cabin's exterior is also green. Green is also my favorite color, so it seemed pretty natural to me to want to incorporate a bunch of green into the cabin design. For me, green is also a protest to all READ MORE
in Kitchen, The Cabin

Welcome to the Cabin

Guys! I guess I just took a month of from the blog, whoopsiee. Normally I would feel guilty about that sort of thing, but I don’t, cause I had good reason. I shared with you guys that we were about to buy a cabin two hours from MPLS (aka the Twin Cities) in the heart of western Wisconsin (aka West Wisco). The weeks leading up to the closing were intense to say the least. Emotions were high, READ MORE
in The Cabin

Cabin Shopping List

K guys, shopping for this cabin has kinda been pretty great for me. I love buying house stuff! I suck at buying clothes and dressing myself, but I am pretty okay when it comes to knowing the right things to buy for spaces. Besides buying living room furniture back in 2012, I have never bought so many new things for one space, at one time. This is equivalent to Christmas, Mother's Day, and my birthday all rolled into one... READ MORE
in Inspiration, The Cabin

Cabin Plan – Version I

Hey buds, I'm sure you've noticed my lack of blogging lately, I've been posting about once a week, and I will be the first to admit that the posts have been kinda lack luster. We have been busy with cabin things, there has been so much to do with inspections and appraisals and negotiations and furniture purchasing and so on. Sometimes I wish I could just talk about all cabin stuff all the time, READ MORE
in Inspiration, The Cabin