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Deuce Cities Henhouse

Reveal : Cabin Kitchen

So stoked to share the cabin kitchen revamp (mostly on a budget) with ya, I mean it’s only been a year in the making. Talk about slow design! Of course, some of that slowness is by necessity, renovating a small cabin kitchen when you leave 120 miles away isn’t going to happen over night. When I get presented with a design problem like our kitchen cabin, my first instinct is to make the most trying to maximize design on a budget... READ MORE
in Kitchen, Reveal, The Cabin

Cabin Bathrooms – A Plan

Hello my friends! I didn't mean for my absence to be so long, but the summer just got away from me! Things have finally started to settle down and we are having some chill time. Chill time for me usually comes with some sort of project, because I like projects and they make me feel good. I call it chill time because I can have a glass of champ while I do it and I don't have to drive kids anywhere. We're spending the next few weeks off and on at the cabin. This is our first time actually having an extended stay here, and I'm really excited to experience what it's like to wake up everyday with a lake out our front door. That being said, there are lots of little projects that need to be done at the cabin... READ MORE
in Bathroom, Decor, DIY, The Cabin
Guys! I am doing something crazy, and I decided to get in on the fun, and join The One Room Challenge! Have you heard of it? Basically I'll be participating in a design challenge wherein the participants try to redesign and entire space in the span of six weeks, whilst at the same time documenting and sharing it with you and the rest of the ORC readers. READ MORE
in Around the House, Decor
Hey-O Guys! You won't even believe when I originally started working on this post! It has been nearly 3 months! It's been weighing on me too, I often sit down to work on this post, and I just don't feel right about it so I put it away. The problem with the post was not having to write it, but the actual design process. If you take anything from this, please let it be that slow design is good, and you don't have to always have all the answers (even though having all the answers usually rules)... READ MORE
in Around the House, Entry Way

Cabin Update : The Kitchen

Hello, budz! It’s so weird writing posts without having the luxury of easily photographing the subject. We have such limited time at the cabin, that when I’m there, project time is strictly for projects and chill time is strictly for chilling. Get it? I bring you my best stab at on-the-fly documentation! I took the photos for this post within a matter of minutes while the fam was waiting for READ MORE
in Kitchen, The Cabin