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Deuce Cities Henhouse

Hey Team! I wanted to dedicate an entire blog post to just how much I love the innovation that brought me/you/us the Samsung Frame TV. If you’re not familiar with the Frame TV, it’s a TV that moonlights as framed art! Samsung designed a TV that displays digital art (when in art mode), is able to be mounted flush on a wall just like a piece of artwork would, and the frame itself can be swapped out with interchangeable magnetic frames... READ MORE
in Cool Things, The Cabin
5 Years in a century Old Home

5 Years in a 100 Year Old House

Hey guys! We've moved into our 5 years ago this month! That's the longest I've ever lived in one place since moving out of my folks' place - head's up - that was 15 years ago! We love this house so much, like the most! We'll be staying here for ...
Geometric Color Blocking in the Boys Room

Reveal : Paint In the Boys’ Room

Five years ago this month we moved into this house. The entire place was painted in a terrifyingly boring light brownish-yellowish color that was well past its prime, if there ever was any sort of prime for that brand of mediocrity. Bottom line: everything needed a fresh coat of paint ...
Thinking About : The Garden

Thinking About : The Garden

Astilbe I've never grown Astible in the garden. Its flowers are so feathery and the foliage is reminiscent of ferns. It comes in array of colors and sizes and prefers the shade. I think it could look really stunning mixed in with the hostas on the shady side of the ...
Vegetable Garden Planning

Veggie Garden Planning!

Pssst, hover your cursor over the garden drawing Yo Guys! It's Veggie Garden Planning season! Planning the coming year's veggie garden with the kids has become my ultimate favorite sign of spring. Finn and I started this tradition four gardening seasons ago back in 2012. Gus was merely a little-dude-baby ...
How to Edit Interior Photography Using Photoshop

How to Take Successful Interior Photos : Part 2

Alright pals - as promised here it is, Part 2 of my photography posts. If you missed it, you can find Part 1 right here where I cover tips for setting up and styling the shot. Okay, onward! Today I'll be sharing my photoshop techniques. This is where the photo ...
Mini Bulb Garden

A Bit of Spring

One of my new favorite things is growing mini bulb gardens indoors. Last fall and winter I grew paper white bulbs inside of these small, matte, pale coral "bowls" I picked up at CB2 last spring. I really enjoyed having these mini gardens for a good chunk of the winter ...
Adding Record Stops to Basic Ikea Shelving

Adding a Record Stop to Basic Shelves

I'm dedicating this post to all the folks out there who use Expedit (or the newer Kallax) Ikea shelves to store their record collection. For us, these bookshelves have been terrific for our records, they fit the height of a record nearly perfectly and are able to hold a lot ...
Solving a Historic Mystery


Bros. I've reopened the investigation into the history of my house and the people who lived here long before us. I've always been so curious of this, and I've never been able to find many answers. There is something incredibly amazing about the history of homes and the people who've ...


Hi! I’m Alison Allen

I started Deuce Cities Henhouse in 2009 – a blog about fixing up and restoring my 110-year-old Minneapolis home and updating our worn out and out, dated Wisconsin cabin. My family and I (my husband and two boys) moved into our current home nearly ten years ago, and since then I’ve been chronicling my journey of owning, renovating, decorating and DIY-ing our home.
I’m passionate about empowering women to take on projects that they might have normally not had the confidence to do, incorporating modern design and aesthetic into my home, thoughtful design solutions, and landscaping. I’ve done it all, from easy do-it-yourself home improvement projects to full on renovations and remodels.