A Dining Room Refresh with Article
I am so excited to share with you guys my dining room refresh! Bing! Bing! Bing! Our dining room has seen few big changes over the year. We moved into this house with a mid-century dining set and no real plan. I love our vintage Drexel dining set but after ...

Curio Coffee Table in the Living Room
Hey Team! I didn’t mean for that break to be so long. I’ve been struggling with some SADz and my motivation and focus has been lackluster these past few weeks. I’m so looking forward to a break in the weather. The snow and shoveling is relentless and a constant reminder ...

Tutorial : Hanging Curtains in a Bay Window
Last weekend I started to work on one of my many 2019 goals. I began the facelift of our dining room by installing curtains in our bay window. This is something that I’ve wanted to do for sooooo long. I was always paralyzed by how to actually go about installing ...

Thinking About : My Dining Room
I'm back to my seasonal need to tweak everything inside the house. This happens every fall, it's that whole nesting thing. Our time outdoors is limited, daylight is waning, and we begin to nestle into our winter ways (I'm so damn poetic today). We spend a lot more time in ...

All I want is Tidiness!
Hmm, I don't know what it is, maybe that two-and-a-half-month remodeling of the basement or could it be that my kids were making huge messes all summer long, but somehow my house is chaotic! I just want one of those houses that looks pretty, put together, and organized all the ...

Summer Living Room
What up people? Not much around here. I've been chatting about gardens for a solid three months now, I think I finally got it out of my system. I mean, I'm still going to be outside whenever I can during the summer, but for the first time in months I'm ...

White Outside, Green Inside
Hey guys! I mentioned last week that I was just dying for some green in my life, I wasn't kidding. I was desperate. Last Friday the weather warmed up enough that I could safely take a trip to the local nursery without having to worry about plants freezing on the ...

Living Room Purchases!
Yo buddies! I ordered living room furniture, can you hardly believe it? My folks took the kids on Saturday and me and Jeff got to go out and try on all the sofas. It was pretty fun, and scary, and overwhelming, and brain scrambling. After thinking I had it narrowed ...

Thinking About : My Living Room
Hey Guys, I'm still obsessing over the final plans for the living room. If you've been reading along you know that I've been compiling style boards for potential sofa, rug, and chair candidates as we're in the market for some new living room pieces. I've realized that there are like ...

How I Conquered Wood Trim
So it's no secret that the main floor of my house is wood trim city. If the trim was not of a high quality or covered in years of gross varnish I would have painted it white the second we moved in. Instead it's nice, and pretty, quarter sawn oak ...

Weighing Options
Well, I think we're making progress in our decision making. I really wish the white would work for us because I really do adore it in so many others' homes, we're just not feeling it in the living room. I gotta remember that I have my white bedroom, and I ...

4 Shades of Teal
I can't kick the feeling that the new white walls against the dark wood trim remind me of every apartment that I've ever rented. Yes, I have enjoyed the light and bright airiness of the white during the days, and it looks especially pretty with with all my other white ...

A White Living Room?
This seems to happen to me every year, the holiday's end and I get this overwhelming urge to work on a project. The first year I wallpapered my entry way, the second year I de-wallpapered and then re-wallpapered the music room and this year the target is my living room ...

Blue Christmas
I've been trying to figure out how I was going to decorate for Christmas this year, I love a classic green, red and white Christmas, it's usually my default holiday color scheme. I have this weird aversion to all other christmas color combos, anything else so often seems too serious, ...

Yeah, You Probably Need a Holiday Bar Cart
Cool, I am excited! It's holiday time, and that means party time! In anticipation of all the impending imbibing I will be taking part in the coming weeks, I took it upon myself to put together a nice little bar cart (table). If you recognized that bar table as the ...

Thinking About : Chairs
Well this post is a follow up to my sofa post from last week. I'm still thinking about new furniture options for our living room. Our current arm chair is in even worse shape then the sofa. It's saggy, stained and sorry-ass-lookin'. The chair, like our sofa, also came from ...

It’s Picture Hanging Time!
Well all this reupholstering of dining room chairs has me in desperate need of getting my dining room a smidge bit more put together. This room has been driving me crazy since we moved in. It's the paneling, it's nice, but it's dark and it gets in the way of ...

Nerding Out
Oh man, I totally got all nerdy yesterday. After watching 2 episodes of Secrets from a Stylist I felt inspired to pretend I was a stylist (yeah right.) Anyway I went around and found all my pillows and tchotchkes set them all out in a pile and then practically put ...

Coral & Blue & Grey
I had taken a few photos around the house this weekend thinking I might try and do a post called "Inspired by the Royal Tenenbaum's" or something weird like that, but when I went back to look at them this afternoon I realized that they weren't really that Tenenbaumesque (which ...

Hallowed Hush: 3 Ways
I was spending some time updating my backup hard drive the other day (3 years in the making) when I came across some real estate photos of our old loft we used to own when we were crazy enough to live in Saint Paul (sorry saint paul). It inspired me ...

I Made it to the AT Color Contest Finals!
Hey Everybody, About 3 weeks ago I decided that I needed to do something more productive with my days. I was feeling kind of down and out and needed to get my butt in gear so I decided to throw my hat into the Apartment Therapy Room for Color Contest ...

Dining Room Buffet Makeover, 100% Free!
I've been meaning to organize the built-in buffet cabinet in our dining room for some time, it's been set up the same way ever since we moved in, straight from the moving boxes and into the buffet. It's seems like I should've done this a long time ago since it's ...