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Window Cleaning

Guys! I'm gonna share a secret, the one thing you can do to improve your homes interiod during the winter months is to make sure to give your windows (storms too) a good cleaning this fall! READ MORE
in Uncategorized
Friends, budz, guys, dudes, dudettes! I'm sharing a post today about the new year, my plans for it, and how I'm going to crush my 2020 goals. I'm also re-capping on all the cool stuff that got done in 2019. I'm so excited for the new year, I feel like this year it's really a fresh beginning for me. Welp, here goes nothing... READ MORE
in Blogging, My Life, Uncategorized

My Autumn Garden

Hello! I just wanted to pop-on and share my end-of-season garden with you. The fall has never been my garden's best look, and I thought why not show the good and the bad. It's the month of August where I usually give up on weeding and giving general craps about yard work, and it shows. There's always too many end-of-summer obligations and fun party times - weeding and garden maintenance is the first thing to get left in the dust... READ MORE
in gardening, Uncategorized

My (Very Tardy) May Garden

Geez! What is wrong with me! All this summertime business is interrupting my work flow. I took these photos on May 31st, I swear. I love this time of year in the garden because things change so rapidly and quickly and it is so fun to watch and be a part of. If only the weeds didn’t want to grow as fast as all my perennials. READ MORE
in gardening, Month-to-Month, Uncategorized
Guys! Last month I shared with you guys how I installed a stair runner on the cabin staircase using multiple small rugs. Today I wanted to share the method I used to add a mitered corner on the landing and continue the runner around the corner of our stairs.... READ MORE
in DIY, How-To, The Cabin, Uncategorized