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Deuce Cities Henhouse

It’s Picture Hanging Time!

Well all this reupholstering of dining room chairs has me in desperate need of getting my dining room a smidge bit more put together. This room has been driving me crazy since we moved in. It's the paneling, it's nice, but it's dark and it gets in the way of any sort of wall hanging options that a normal person in a normal dining room would have. I'm over it. Part of my solution to this problem READ MORE
in Dining Room, DIY, How-To
Macrame Chairs! Hello everybody and welcome to the first ever Henhouse video tutorial. I know crazy, right? I'm not super good at these sorts of things so please let me know if I am missing any vital information. In the below vid you will see the looping method that is key to weaving a macrame chair. I tried to make the pics as thorough as possible so you would get the trick. READ MORE
in Crafts, How-To

Tutorial : Present Poms

  Poms! Hey e'rebody! I don't know about you but I have a TON of wonderful people in my life who have July birthdays. If you didn't know, July is a super trendy month to have a birthday ;) I was having trouble wrapping some gifts earlier this week for Finn's 4th birthday. Bows were in short supply so I decided to whip up some yarn poms and use them in place READ MORE
in Crafts, How-To, Needles n’ Yarn
Hey Guys! Thanks for sticking with me, I know I totally disappeared last week. That's cause I was spending all my time baking and icing this cake in preparation for Cam's baby shower we had on Saturday. If you follow me on pinterest you know I have a shower board going. One of the first things I pinned was a ombré cake from bubbleandsweet.blogspot.com. Making an cake with graduated colors READ MORE
in Eats, How-To, Parties

Tutorial : Knob Stew

This ain't my first rodeo. Before last week I had only attempted stripping 1 set of door hardware in my upstairs bedroom. The first time I stripped the hardware it was H-A-R-D. I have no idea why it was so difficult, maybe it was because it was my first time, but I wasn't very successful with it. Last week I went ahead and removed the other two sets of painted hardware from my bedroom. READ MORE
in DIY, How-To, My House