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Deuce Cities Henhouse

Ooooh, I’m so excited to share with you guys so many outdoor spaces at the cabin this year! To bring you up to speed, we purchased our Northwoods Wisconsin (aka West Wisco) cabin nearly two years ago. We’ve done a lot of improvements to the interior spaces since moving in August of 2017, and the outdoor spaces were left by the wayside. That period of neglect is over, people! We have so much improving happening in our exterior hang spaces this summer, specifically expanding our lake dock, landscaping and gardening, exterior painting, staining the deck and making the most of our deck views. One of the best spaces of the entire cabin is on our deck overlooking our lake. We have the luxury of being very close to the water since our cab was built over 50 years ago, due to changing building codes it would be impossible to build this close to the water in 2019. Because of our proximity, we have views of our lake from nearly every window and the best is right off our deck. READ MORE
in Outdoor, Sponsored, The Cabin
As you can imagine or maybe have experienced, it’s hard to furnish an entire cabin. Your basically starting at square one, and a lot of what we have at the cabin has been stuff I’ve been socking away in hopes of one day having a cabin. The room that really took the brunt of my alley-garbage-day-finds was the guest bedroom. Everything in that room except for the the clothing rack, and the sheets is either from the garbage, something that has been donated to me, or something that I have hoarded. READ MORE
in Decor, Design, The Cabin
I want to spend a good chunk of the summer focused on updating the exterior of our Wisconsin cabin. I’ve got big plans, and at the top of the list is a new paint job. Since the day we looked at it, we talked about eventually painting it black. I like the grey-green color that the board and batten is stained now, but it has already faded in the two summers we have been here. It needed to be freshened up, and for us it was the perfect opportunity to take it to a darker place. READ MORE
in The Cabin
I’m feeling really good about where our cabin bedroom has started from and come to. I think we can call this reveal worthy! This is maybe my favorite space in all of the cabin. I am a big sucker for a small cozy room. Back in the early aughts, when I used to have roommates, I was always okay with taking the smallest room... READ MORE
in Bedroom, Reveal, Sponsored, The Cabin

My First Real Deal Dresser

Hey Guys! So far I’m sticking to this two posts a week goal that I set for myself for 2019. Two posts a weeks means sometimes I’m just going to share something really quick and simple, like this new dresser we just had delivered for the cabin bedroom... READ MORE
in Bedroom, Decor, The Cabin