I hate winter, I hate this winter so much that I just bought these little prep bowls at Uncommon Kitchen on Etsy for no good reason AND I don't even like the color pink. I just wanted to have something pretty so I could try to forget about cold, depressing, ugly, dumb, stupid winter. READ MORE
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It's an addiction, I know. Buying things on ebay is fun and easy and I love it. These roly poly spaghetti string tumblers are my new latest and greatest. I like to believe that I got a deal on these so it's not all bad. I suppose I need to get the pitcher now too. Hey red lotus bowls, you better watch out, you're next on my hit list. READ MORE
The first logical thing to do when you are 2 months away from giving birth is to completely gut and remodel your kitchen. So we did just that. Aaron and my Dad (who is the best Dad EVER and so much better then your Dad. Sorry, I'm sure your Dad is very nice but....) took an afternoon this past May and removed the kitchen you see in the photo below. I liked this kitchen. I really did. It was charming READ MORE