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Deuce Cities Henhouse

My August Garden

Here we are, the last garden post of the summer. This year, I can honestly say that I am ready for the fall to come, and for that big autumnal change to happen. Not only am I ready for the colder fall days ahead, but this season change signifies big change for my day-to-day world. Finn started school last week, and today is Gus' first day at his new school. Life will be different around here. READ MORE
in gardening, Month-to-Month

My July Garden

Vanilla Strawberry Hydrangea I can not even believe that it's time to share my July Garden. Holy smokes, what a summer! It's especially been a great summer for the kids, which is what I had hoped for, I think they've enjoyed it, and I feel insane. Like I've said, August is gonna rip in the not-having-much-to-do department. My goal for this years gardening season was to READ MORE
in gardening, Month-to-Month

My June Garden

Window Boxes Guys! July is the craziest month for me, I know I haven't blogged in like 2 weeks, I know I've had photos sitting on my camera for nearly as long. My boys both have birthdays this month, combined with long holiday weekends and cabin adventures, theres just no time left to say "whazzup" to you dudes. I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the summer timez. READ MORE
in gardening, Month-to-Month

My May Garden

Ruby Tears Crab Apple I know I'm a little late on the May Garden post, but I promise, I took these photos right at the end of the month. It actually works out really nicely that this post got pushed back because it lands on my favorite gardener's birthday, my Ma (aka SugarMommaD)! She has instilled in me the love of gardening and nurturing schtuff, and she's so fortunate READ MORE
in gardening, Month-to-Month

My April Garden

Sedum Hey! It's April garden share time! Right now I am in the thick of getting the flower beds ready for the summer. The spring always seems like a mad dash to edit and rearrange flower beds, divide a few perennials and mulch before the heart (and the heat) of the summer really begin. The front yard and foundation gardens are basically mud since getting our new stoop, READ MORE
in gardening, Month-to-Month