I saw the sun on Sunday Hello out there. I haven't felt like blogging lately, I actually haven't felt like doing anything. It's all part of the changing of the seasons I'm afraid. I'm already sick of waking up in darkness, and I'm even more sick of spending my nights in darkness. I feel hopeless about the season and there doesn't seem to be anything fun planned on the horizon. Last weekend READ MORE
in My Life
I know it's not super exciting, but this weekend we got the leaves raked and all the gardens cleaned up and ready for winter. Obviously we had to make leaf piles to jump in along the way. Here's the proof. This serious face is too cute to handle. P.S. Have you tried the new Visual Supply Co App? I was tuned in via my blog buddy Amanda over at Willful Joyful who has a pretty beautiful instagram READ MORE
in My Life
After intending to meet with Grandpa for lunch since the spring we finally had a day to make it happen. Elsa was off visiting her Grandma and Grandpa this week so the boys and I were free to head downtown and go to the top floor of Grandpa's office building. It was a dream come true for Finn, in one view he could see the Twin's Stadium, Target Center, the Mississippi River and the city trains. READ MORE
in My Life
I'm getting caught up in the fall, sort of. There is so much to do to get the house and yard ready for cold weather, it's overwhelming and honestly I'm like a deer in the headlights when it comes to getting things done. There is just so much to do. Publicly making a to-do list is how I'm going to hold myself accountable, obviously. Isn't that how everybody does it? TO DO BY NOVEMBER READ MORE
in My Life
So I'm diving in again. I think I had one too many beers, one too many baked potatoes, and one too many brats this summer. My pants are getting tight and I don't like it! Losing a few LB's seems to always be a seasonal thing for me. After I had Finn in 2008 I didn't try to lose the weight, I thought it would just come off. I waited 'till he was 6 months old. I looked at myself in the mirror READ MORE
in My Life