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Deuce Cities Henhouse

So, I felt like it was time to pop in and say, "Hi.” I haven’t posted much in the last several weeks because it hasn’t felt right. There’s been so many important things happening in the country and community that it felt trivial to post anything at all.... READ MORE
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in My Life

Welcome Loon

Hey guys! We are crazy and got a third cat! I know, what are we thinking? Totally nuts. It all started when our friends girl cat snuck out of the house for a night and we thought that maybe she would be having kittens this winter. Turns out it was a false alarm (and don't worry that cat was fixed immediately afterwards), but it got us Allen's got all excited about having another cat and a friend for Birdie. Birdie is a three year old cat who loves boat rides, and hates Mondays (we joke that she is basically Garfield) and we wanted to her to have a buddy she could grow old with. Nami, our old grandma cat is going on 15 now, and Birdie likes to wrestle the old gal. We thought it might be nice for Birdie to have a kitten to wrestle instead... READ MORE
in My Life

Our Kids Are World Travelers Now!

This fall we embarked on our first international trip as a family. Jeff, myself and our two boys, Finn (11) and Gus (8) took two weeks and headed east to visit London UK, Moneglia Italy and Paris France. Traveling has always been important to Jeff and I and we've done a fair bit ourselves. It's always been a goal of ours to take our kids on at least one international family vacation before they get too old. The boys have done enough traveling in their short lives that they know what's expected of them. They understand that there's almost always something that goes wrong or is unexpected and you "have to be flexible!" They know they have to carry their own bags and help to be more responsible (than they normally are) for their own stuff, and they understand that traveling takes time. READ MORE
in My Life, Travel
Friends, budz, guys, dudes, dudettes! I'm sharing a post today about the new year, my plans for it, and how I'm going to crush my 2020 goals. I'm also re-capping on all the cool stuff that got done in 2019. I'm so excited for the new year, I feel like this year it's really a fresh beginning for me. Welp, here goes nothing... READ MORE
in Blogging, My Life, Uncategorized

Goodbye 2018, Hello 2019

Hey Guys! Phew, it always feels good when the holidays are behind us and we can move on to the New Year. I am finally getting the chance to settle back into the day-to-day, and the mundane and boring is being embraced with open arms. Week after week of activity is too much for this old gal. I'm not much of a big New Year resolutions type of person, I prefer to think of myself as constantly READ MORE
in My House, My Life, The Cabin