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Deuce Cities Henhouse

Gus the Goose

I rarely call my kids by their actual names. I have a thing for nicknames if you haven't picked up on that. Finn has been "Finn Bear" aka "Bear" (like Bear Grylls... not) since the day he was born. When Gus was born I started calling him "Bear" too but I realized very quickly that it didn't really make a lot of sense. I already had one bear, I didn't need another. So Gus had to live life without READ MORE
in Awesomeness, Decor, Gus, Inspiration

Getting Too Big!

Oh how time flies! My little big guy Finn is on his way to his first week of pre-school. He's out at Grandma & Grandpa's house (aka Grammy camp) and is going off to school every morning. He's more than thrilled about it. I'm so proud that he's approaching life in such an eager way. I know when I was his age, going to school without my mom was terrifying. Not only that, the pressure to make READ MORE
in Cool Things, Finn

Kid Speed

I've been enjoying life at kid speed these days. Now that the winter is officially behind us there has been so much time to enjoy the outside!! I'm already dreading having to go back indoors when the fall comes around again. Last week we had some good adventures, I hope that this is just a glimpse of what is to come for the rest of the summer. The mercury touched 80º once or twice last week READ MORE
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in Elsa, Finn, Gus, Kids

Nursery: 1 Year Deep

It was my intention when I started this post to update you on some functional storage solutions that I had come up with for my little guy’s little nursery. Then I decided that maybe it would be more helpful for any future moms out there to give you my two cents about how the nursery functions. What I like, what I don’t, what I’ve changed and what I’ve added over the last year. A Sorry READ MORE
in Gus, Nursery

Our Weekend

Happy Monday everybody! How was your weekend? Our weekend was one of those gross sick weekends. We got nailed on Friday with a spring cold. We tried to salvage our weekend yesterday afternoon by heading out to one of our favorite MPLS spots, Minnehaha Falls. I attempted to get a nice photo of the boys, but Finn is totally nuts and thinks it's hilarious to be crazy and weird. Gus & his READ MORE
in Cool Things, Finn, Gus