On Saturday we celebrated Finn's first birthday with an afternoon barbeque. The BBQ includes bean bags, potato salad, brats, burgers, beans and birthday cake.I've been planning Finn's party for a few weeks, but as with all parties, there is a mad rush the night before to get everything done in time. I spend most of Friday night trying to get a rainbow cake and cupcakes baked while frantically cleaning READ MORE
Only ten days till Finn's 1st Birthday party and I haven't started doing much of anything, so since I had the day off of work today I try and make a valiant effort at getting some pre-party work done. I decide that I am going to make little flags for Finn's bday cupcakes, some will say "Finn" and the rest will say "1". Since I'm trying to do everything as affordable as possible I try my hand at potato READ MORE
The new greatest photo ever. Finn is anti shoes and pro outside.This is Finn with his new teeth, he's had his bottom ones for a few months, and as of last week he has 1.5 new teeth on the top. The 2nd of the top teeth just broke through today! READ MORE