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Deuce Cities Henhouse

I’m Blushing

Via Dressed and Educated Guys, there is something you should know abut me. I’ve spent a lot of my life avoiding the color pink. Why? Because it’s what we’re supposed to like, you know? When I was little I was super shy, any extra attention put my way was embarrassing, and doing girly stuff made me uncomfortable. I just didn’t feel super cool about calling attention to myself, and I felt READ MORE
in Inspiration, My Life

Bedroom Plan

Hey Guys, happy Friday! I meant to get a few posts out this week but we've been doing some intensive potty training and life has crazy been busy to say the least. Plus the lady friends and I had a girls night in the middle of the week - it took me most of the next day to recover. Note to self: No tequila shots after 9pm on a school night. I am a bad mom who still likes to think she can party sometimes, READ MORE
in Around the House, Bedroom, Inspiration

Wallpaper Indycyzunz

Oh god, you guys. We are experiencing some major wallpaper indecision up in 'dis piece. It all started because one miss Scoops Allen got swayed by some wallpaper that normally I would never in a million, gazillion years go for. I was in trouble from the moment I laid eyes on it - I've had permanent blinders on, and have barely been able to consider any other paper. This dreamy paper is the new READ MORE
in Inspiration
Hello, happy Friday! I've been thinking hard about ideas for the very-much-in-the-future bedroom revamp and I wanted to share them with you. I need to do these weird exercises in design and inspiration so that I can stay focused on the prize. The sunroom (is essentially part of our bedroom) which you may remember was overhauled this spring. I totally love it now and we use the space all the READ MORE
in Bedroom, Inspiration
Budz! You may remember a few weeks ago when the kid and I built an addition to our raised bed garden scene. The seedlings are all starting to grow and the new raised bed garden is coming along nicely. However, the raised bed gardens on the side of my house are lacking landscaping and general prettiness. Right now it looks like we just dropped a few raised beds in the yard, which we kinda did. It READ MORE
in gardening, Inspiration