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Deuce Cities Henhouse

It's 50's 28th birthday and I decide to make him a Stix case. This case can be used for one of two things, he can either put his drumstix in here, or his paintstix, or both. Either way he now has a styling new case made with love.Just in case anyone gets confused as to who's stix case this really is.All rolled up, there is two button holes depending on whether or not Matt is toting a lot of stixs READ MORE
in Crafts, Crochet, Handmade Gifts, Needles n’ Yarn

Happy Mother’s Day

I made a lipstick case for my mom! READ MORE
in Crochet, Handmade Gifts, Needles n’ Yarn

Undies for a Vag Partay

Check it. I was invited to a bachelorette party this weekend, one of the requirements was that you had to bring lingerie for the bride to be. I was kind of panicking about what I would bring since I don't know too much about lingerie and other pretty things one would wear before they're about to do it. Jeff came up with the idea that I crochet her some undies. In Jeff's vision I would put the initials READ MORE
in Crochet, Handmade Gifts, Needles n’ Yarn

Mix Tape Onesie

I was at Crafty Planet last week for the first time and I was inspired to try my hand at an embroidery project. I have done some cross stitching as a kid but that's it. I pick up a kit of rock and roll and proceed to make Finn a customized onezie.I am sure that there a lot of people that already know about these kits and embroidery patterns but it is all new to me. So JIC you would like to learn READ MORE
in Crafts, Finn, Handmade Gifts

Homemade Beer Cozy

Guess what? I made a beer cozy for my best beer drinking friend, Jeff "Waff" Allen!  This is the first time that I've created a crochet project without a pattern, I just guessed how to do it and it worked.Step 1. I start at the bottom. Beer bottles are round so I decided that making a round shaped bottom would probably be a good idea.Step 2: Get authentically Krausened, beer is good to drink while READ MORE
in Crochet, Handmade Gifts, Needles n’ Yarn