Bleeding Heart Guys! My hand is still ruined, but I'm not going to stop it from sharing my April garden with you. I still can't do anything unless I use my left hand only, which has been problematic for a lot of things; like putting your hair in a pony tail, driving, writing to-do lists, and buttering toast. However my left hand still does just fine at getting cocktails READ MORE
Hey, Pals! It's no secret that I am so excited to get out in the yard. Not having dirty hands every day is just killing me. The only thing that can really be done this time of year is getting raised beds ready for the coming season, so I'm doing it! We started our raised bed gardens three years ago. Back then Finn was three and was finally old enough to want to be involved in helping outdoors. READ MORE
Sedum Yes, okay, it's a few days late but I'm happy to share with you my 2nd ever March garden post, and for the record I did snap these photos on the 31st. This is only the second time of the six gardening seasons we've had that there have actually been plants popping out of the earth at the end of March. I know what I'm sharing isn't amazingly beautiful or anything, but READ MORE
Astilbe I've never grown Astible in the garden. Its flowers are so feathery and the foliage is reminiscent of ferns. It comes in array of colors and sizes and prefers the shade. I think it could look really stunning mixed in with the hostas on the shady side of the backyard garden. This spring will mark the beginning of my sixth gardening season. All of the plants in the garden are mature READ MORE
Pssst, hover your cursor over the garden drawing Yo Guys! It's Veggie Garden Planning season! Planning the coming year's veggie garden with the kids has become my ultimate favorite sign of spring. Finn and I started this tradition four gardening seasons ago back in 2012. Gus was merely a little-dude-baby back then and Finn and I did this as a way to have READ MORE
in gardening