My intent was to actually cook a lot this summer with the food that I grew in my tiny little garden, including a whole bunch of carrots I planted. But I adopted a ginormous tomato plant at the beginning of the spring and since then it has taken over a whole corner of my garden, stunting the growth of all the carrots with it. In desperation I yanked the few remaining out of the ground to see if these READ MORE
At the start of the spring Finn and I planted a bunch of seeds in our garden. Everyday we'd go out and check on their progress. It is usually determined that our plants were getting "bigger." Last week we got our first flower and now our yard is popping with buds . We are both very excited and proud.This is our tiny pink Zinnia. READ MORE
in gardening
BEFOREAFTERWe're just about to start finishing up some of the improvements we've made to our new home. One of the projects that I have focused most of my time on has been our yard. It was sparse to say the least. When we moved in we inherited one fern and one peony, that's it.Finn and I have been out working out in the yard diligently every day. He helps me water and dig and check on our plants READ MORE
It's official we have growth! I am the proud mom of some new baby herbs. Soon these little buggers will be ready to be planted in a real pot. I can't even believe it, they grow up so fast. For more info on my experiment in starting seeds in eggshells check out my previous post here.In other news I've got big blog posts in the works, also sorts of house updates and other goings on, but I don't READ MORE
in gardening
In honor of Jeff and I buying our first house tomorrow—AND in honor of this awesome time of year called "spring"—I decided to do a post inspired by spring. I may be jumping the gun a little bit but I don't care. I planted some seeds, oh yes I did. I am so confident that summer is on its way that I am forcing the greenery along. My new backyard will be green with plants. So I pushed some moving READ MORE