Having the cabin has taught me a few things about design. It can be done in stages and having a plan is a really good thing. When we took ownership of the cabin we knew that we needed to make it our own, and fast. Jeff especially has a hard time seeing the big picture, and he had his hesitations when it came to buying this particular cabin. He put a lot of trust in me seeing the bigger picture for it. To refresh your memory, let's go on a trip down memory lane, shall we... READ MORE
I did something that I don't normally do a few weeks back. I impulse shopped. I'm a planner when it comes to design and I really enjoy the process of dreaming and scheming and double checking before I purchase anything. For me, it makes my purchases feel really good and intentional. I don't want to regret stuff I buy, and I want to be a responsible consumer. ... READ MORE
As you can imagine or maybe have experienced, it’s hard to furnish an entire cabin. Your basically starting at square one, and a lot of what we have at the cabin has been stuff I’ve been socking away in hopes of one day having a cabin. The room that really took the brunt of my alley-garbage-day-finds was the guest bedroom. Everything in that room except for the the clothing rack, and the sheets is either from the garbage, something that has been donated to me, or something that I have hoarded. READ MORE
I had decided in January, that 2018 would be my year of saying "Yes" to everything. Trying new things, meeting new people, all that stuff regular confident people do. As a result, in February, my friend Ashley Goldman from The Gold Hive dared me to go to a local Twin Cities book panel event to introduce myself to Melissa Coleman (aka The Faux Martha). I begrudgingly said, “Sure” because Ashley is my Accountability Partner (™). I was terrified. Big social events where I don’t know anyone are NOT my thing... READ MORE