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Deuce Cities Henhouse

I've hinted at it here and there but I don't think I've ever really come out and said it. Jeff (aka Waff) and I are heading over the pond next month to visit our guy, Bruce Springsteen at the RDS Soccer stadium in Ireland!!!!! One night over our christmas break, we semi drunkenly purchased two tickets to see Bruce in Dublin, something that we've always dreamed about doing. It was one of those READ MORE
in Awesomeness, Music, My Life

9 Years is Crazy!

Hey! Today is flag day! It’s also Jeff (aka Waff, aka jeffallen) and my 9th wedding anniversary. That is crazy.

Happy day sweets, it’s been a good run so far.
Mucho Love,

in Awesomeness

4 Day Weekend!

Hope you all had a great weekend! I know we did. It's been a long time since the Allen team had almost 4 whole days off in a row and we soaked up every minute of it. Our friends Joel and Katrina, from Chicago, rented a Mustang Convertible (aka The 'Stang 'Verti) and drove up to hang. Since they came all that way we were gonna make it worth it. We started the long weekend off with a backyard BBQ. READ MORE
in Awesomeness

Happy Boy’s Day!

Happy Boy's Day (tomorrow)! We are celebrating all week though, heck maybe all month. We just hung our carp Boy's Day flags this morning! I first read about boy's day a few years ago on Fox and Owl, Erika has had two boys way longer than I have. When I first read her post in 2009, I thought, if I ever get a few boys we are totally celebrating Boy's Day. Boy's Day is a japanese/chinese tradition READ MORE
in Awesomeness

Operation No Kids

Something great happened this weekend: my folks took the kids for a sleepover! We haven’t been kidless for a whole 24 hours since December, and it was pretty much the greatest thing in the world. Sometimes its fun to pretend what life is like without the little rascals. Saturday night we went out to dinner with our good friends, Aaron and Brittany (aka Beak and Cam). This was followed by some READ MORE
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in Awesomeness