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Deuce Cities Henhouse

Guyses! All the way back in November I got a brand new chair and a brand new rug for under my dining room table. It was all a part of the living room / dining room refresh. I had painted the dining room a almost black color, and had taken the living room a shade darker and bit bluer - nothing major. As part of the refresh I wanted to actually buy a permanent piece of furniture for the space. By READ MORE
in Around the House

Stuff that happened in 2016

Hey Guys, I hope you all had a safe and happy start to the New Year! It has felt v incredible to have time away from the computer and projects over the last few weeks. We all need to reset from time-to-time, and for us there is no better way then to take a good hunk of time over the holidays to do so. Not to get too into feeling sharing, but I'm pretty stoked for this new year, last year was READ MORE
in Around the House

Winter House

Guys. As it always seems to happen, it's mid-December and the boys and I have come down with somer sort of nasty cold where all you can do all day is lay in bed, and no one is around to take out the garbage out for you or bring you Ludens. It was bound to happen, and if it had to happen, I'm glad that it's happening this week and not over our Christmas break. I'm a little late on sharing the READ MORE
in Around the House, Exterior, Outdoor

Basement Bathroom : Week 6

Is it over yet? No? Shit. People keep telling me that it seems like this is all coming together really quickly, and I'm like "really?" To me this has been lingering on and on, and there is still so many things that have to get done! I'm trying not to be all pessimistic but I reached the point of a project where you just want to see it done already. The reality is that I have over the half of the READ MORE
in Around the House, Basement, Bathroom

Decked the Halls & A Giveway!

BROUGHT TO YOU IN PARTNERSHIP WITH BURKE DECOR We decided this year that we'd go all out on decorating our basement for the holidays instead of doing the main floor of the house as we normally do. I have to say I'm really excited about how the space all came together. I've put together a respectable collection of holiday decor over the years, and since a theme can change from year to year READ MORE
in Around the House, Decor, Sponsored