Basement Update : A New Coffee Table and a Mini Reveal
Guys! I wanted to give you a little update on our basement. All the way back in November we purchased my forever dream coffee table. I’ve had my heart set on this baby for years, and I was so excited to bring it home to live in our basement. In ...

Review : Sven Article Sofa & A Mini Basement Makeover
I kind of dropped the ball when it came to really putting the finishing touches on the basement decor. It was such a massive project, and I had done so much of the hard work myself that by the time the paint was up and the wallpaper was hung, I ...

Reveal : The Basement Family Room
Friends and pals! Almost a year ago we started the process of having our basement remodeled. It's been an exciting, stressful, and messy project but we are so happy that it's finally over. We are so glad we decided to move ahead with the renovation because it has totally changed ...

Ikea Picture Ledge
Hey Guys! Long time, no see. Things have been so crazy busy around here, it's nuts. I am losing my mind and have been laid up with a killer cold, but good work is happening. Anyway, I wanted to share a quick post about the basement. I couldn't figure out ...

DIY Pendant Lamp
Budz, I kinda like this new quick post method. Way less stressful for yours truly. There is so much stuff that I always want to share, but the pressure of the internet makes me feel like I should always present to you via some big, bad, epic post. How 'bout ...

It’s a Niche.
Hey Guys! I think I'm going to do a lot more quick brief posts since my new kid schleppin' schedule isn't allowing me tons of time for the long winded, in depth kinda posts that I like to do. Having less time means coming up with new ways of making ...

Bench Cushion – Crushed It.
Okay pals! I'm getting so close to finishing up the basement, like almost, nearly, kinda there! I just got to cross a big sucker off the list, which only leaves me with a few easy tasks. I upholstered a piece of peach foam with some of my favorite fabric, and ...

Floating Shelves in the Basement
Budz! Have you noticed I've only been posting once a week, maybe twice at best. Sorry if I've been slow to respond to e-mails and comments, I'll get to 'em. I've been so busy with all of this basement stuff, it's consuming my life and I can't wait for it ...

Reveal : The Basement Stair Restoration
Hi. I know, another stair post, but this is my life, and you get to hear about it. I finished the lower half of the basement stairs almost a month a go to the date. We have been so happy with the new stairs, that I just couldn't live with ...

Final Basement To Do List
Hey! Where have you been? I mean where have I been, ur? I've been right here, wrestling with the last of these basement projects. Remember, the basement? I called it quits for awhile because I needed a rest both mentally and physically. After getting the house back in order post-major-remodel ...

Not Scary Stairs
BUDZ! Behold, I built stairs. What started out as a quick and easy refinishing project turned into one of the hardest most satisfying things I've done as a homeowner to date. I honestly thought that I could take the old steps (see below) remove the staples and the construction adhesive, ...

Basement Remodel : The “I’m Calling it” Reveal
Hi Guys! Woah, what a crazy summer this has been. I am so happy that the basement is finally done. It’s been overwhelming to say the least. I thought I was totally prepared for a remodeling project and didn’t think that it would affect our typical day-to-day lifestyle too much ...

Basement Remodel : Week 8
Whaddup? Long time no see, huh? I've been SO incredibly busy realizing this basement plan. The last two weeks have been nuts. I have basically abandoned my family and live in the basement surviving only on food people bring me and beers. Sorry in advance if my writing skills are ...

Basement Remodel : Week 6
Hey Guys! Sorry, I've been a little MIA lately. We were on a family vacay and I was very much phoning it in for the last few weeks. I haven't been a good poster, or comment responder, or blogger in general - but don't worry, those days are over. Alright, ...

Basement Remodel : Week 5
So much has happened over the last week and a half! It's really exciting to see it all come together. We've got the entire basement framed out now. As of Friday the basement is now wired for flaming hot electricity, and sheetrock is starting this week. It's almost done! After ...

Basement Remodel : Week 3.5
Budz! Things are really happening over here at la casa Allen. The basement is feeling more and more realized every day, and I can't wait to see the finished results. I seriously dream about it every night, I am beyond excited. Lots has been happening over the last week and ...

Basement Remodel : Week 2
Hey Guys! Lots to share with you this week. My kids are out at Grammy Camp (aka an awesome-fun-time with their Grandma, and an even better more productive time for me) and I've got plans to get tons done around the blog. Anyway, I wanted to start with a quick ...

A Plan for the Basement
Alright pals, I've got some fun stuff to share today. At least I think it's fun, maybe you will think it's lame and boring, but it's my blog, so whatever ;) We are in the midst of starting our big basement revamp project. This will be the biggest investment we've ...

Pipe Dreams
Dudes, we've had our fair share of basement plumbing issues throughout the last year. We made it through the first four years with barely issues and since this time last year we've probably had 5 back ups and spent bunches of money on fixing and cleaning out lines. We're thankful ...