Elsa Mary Jane Ripplinger was born on 7/16/09 at 3:56 in the afternoon. She is AWESOME! No joke. Our days have thus far been filled with some activities that we were not, but now are, accustom to. These activities include, but are not limited to baby gazing for hours on end, having one sided conversations, coming in contact with human waste and not being too bothered by it, making up songs about babies READ MORE
in Elsa
I have to apologize for my absence from this blog as of late. I have been making things, really, but my energy level at this point has been terribly disappointing. I will return with grand postings after this baby gets here, promise! In the mean time, I thought you might enjoy hearing a mysterious voice mail that I received at work this morning. There is a lesson to be learned from this and that lesson READ MORE
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in Cool Things