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Deuce Cities Henhouse

Elsa celebrated her first Halloween this past weekend. She was such a trooper, allowing us to dress her up in this hilarious pumpkin costume!In other news, I cleaned out a crafty craft spot in my basement. Stay tuned for some photos of the new space as well as some new projects.See you soon! READ MORE
in Elsa

Every Vote Counts!

Elsa's room is up on Ohdeedoh's Small Kids, Big Color contest! Do us a solid and cast your vote! Thumbs up Friends!!!!!We've only got the rest of the day tomorrow to get enough votes to make it to the finals so be sure to get to the polls ASAP!!!!!!!Also keep your eyes peeled for Scoop's entry! Finn has a magical room that uses big time color! READ MORE
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in Nursery

Happy Birthday Rippy!!!!!!!!!

In honor of Aaron's Birthday and the unofficial last day of Summer and my return to work after 8 weeks off, we decided to have a few folks over for some food and some yard games.Elsa and I had our work cut out for us. First thing's first. Cupcakes for Rip. We were low on supplies so we had to do some improvising. I only had enough butter to make the cupcakes. I got on the interweb and looked myself READ MORE
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in Cool Things, Eats, Parties

WAC Attack

Now that Elsa is 6 weeks old and today proved to be a beautiful day, we decided that it was due time to introduce our girl to some modern art. So it was off to the Sculpture Garden at the Walker Art Center.Here we are at the Two-way Mirror & Hedge Labyrinth. We couldn't resist a family photo.These benches are all engraved with different sayings. Since Elsa cannot yet read, she took the opportunity READ MORE
in Cool Things, Elsa

Auntie Hen Parties

Saturday afternoon I brought Elsa over to my Aunt and Uncle's house for a visit. When I arrived I was surprised to find all of my Aunts gathered around the dining room table, painting bird houses. I am not exactly sure who's idea this was but it was certainly a good one! Surprise craft parties are always awesome! Here we are, getting started. Jill and Margy discuss color schemes and the history of READ MORE
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in Crafts