Guys! I’m here to kick off week 2 of the ORC! First, would you like to know what I’ve been up to this week! A whole lot of restoration, bay-beeees! That’s right. This room is basically falling apart, well, not really falling apart. It needs a lot of work. The guest room is located in the middle of our second floor, and because we have a 108 year old home, that means theres been some settling over the years. The plaster walls have quite a few cracks and old patch jobs that need cleaning up.
The windows are the most neglected out of any in the house. They have lots of chipped and peeling pant, and this week I started sanding the paint, removing the sashes so that they can be painted and smothered in TLC (and black paint), and replacing sash cords.
Since I wasn’t able to replace sash cords before this post had to go live, I will for sure be sharing the nitty gritty details next week. It’s fun, I swear.
And lastly, I started stripping my first door ever! Door stripping is a project that has been on my to-do list forever. I would really, really like to strip all 4 hallways doors, as well as the 5 closet doors on the 2nd floor. That’s nine doors in total. Crazy maybe, but if all goes well with this first attempt at paint stripping it might be worth it. I am using a stripper called Peel Away. I’ve seen folks use it in their instagram stories in the past, and I want in on the action. It looks so miraculous, that if it works, I don’t even know what.
I basically hate all strippers and swore I would never try to do it again, but here I am.
Change my mind Peel Away!

Dem the updates for this week. Check back next week for that sash cord tutorial and maybe to see whether or not I am still stripping doors.

I’m super stoked to get started and can’t wait to share more. Make sure to check in on the other guest participants, and especially all of the super talented featured designers.
I love seeing the stripper working its magic under the plastic. It’s like a creepy horror movie. It also reminds me of this music video:
Yes, it is super creepy, I think so too! It definetley looks like some weird dexter-like scene in ma laundry room.
I am SO excited for this project! All the old house goodness going on in here! And I love that you’re restoring the window…so beautiful. It was really fun to get a peek into your space with a video – can’t wait to see next week!
Thanks, Cathy! Yay! I’m glad I have an old house lovers blessing, I hope I can do those windows proud :)
THANK YOU for posting all of this door stripping goodness. I have a ton of doors in my 101 year old house that need this TLC desperately. I’m hoping you have some tips and tricks that I can apply here!
I hope, hope, hope I have good luck with this stripper. After day one, I realized that didn’t apply enough of it – however it worked pretty damn good for not having the right amount. I really want to be able to share good updates next week.
Love all the updates, I get so much inspo from your posts. Please tell us you are being extra careful with cleaning up dust from your sanding/scraping. I’m in a 100 year old house too, & lead paint is no joke when you have kiddos around. <3
Thanks for watching out for me. Yes, yes of course I’m taking extra care:)
this is the most exciting ORC post i’ve seen from anyone yet. i JUST got a book about restoring wood windows & am soo anxious to get started. you can never have too many references for wood window restoration so i’m excited for next week! i’m also excited to see if that stripper works because i. hate. stripping. paint. i’ve yet to find anything that actually works well.
I hope I don’t disappoint. I’ll fer sure be able to share about changing out sash cords and taking apart double hung windows, but I won’t be completely restoring them. The glazing is still in decent shape, and since I’m on the second story, I’m not going to attempt to get the top sash loose from it’s paint grip. Besides that though, I hope that the windows are left better than when I found them. I’m curious, what’s the book?
So far, I think this stripper has lots of potential. I’ll keep you posted.
that’s fair! i don’t have to worry about a second story! all of mine were upgraded to chains but half are broken so i’m actually going to switch them back out for sash cord when i restore them. i’d say about 15/18 need new glazing too so i’m in for the long haul on the restoration front. & i acutally didn’t realize until last week when i got my book that our windows are double hung so getting them all functioning just seems even harder now. haha! i’m slightly terrified but mostly eager. i know it will make a huge difference aesthetically & efficiency wise. the book is “old windows made easy” by scott sidler aka the craftsman blog. i totally recommend following him on instagram too!
Awesome! I will follow him. I actually just found his blog when I was looking for tips on getting my old windows out of the aluminum weatherstrip tracking.
This is all so amazing. I am so pumped about your sash cord tutorial!! My goal is to tackle ours on our 99-year old Saint Paul bungalow this Spring!
Yeah! I replaced sash cords on our main floor windows a few years back, once I got the hang of it – it was pretty easy, and kind of fun.
Oh that’s so much work that will be SO worth it!
I think so too :)
Very cool! I’m so glad to see you documenting your repairs. Not many folks seem to deal with plaster repair, so I can’t wait to see how you handle yours. Thanks!!
If you hate strippers try a heat gun. I found this the best way to remove paint from doors, furniture etc.
Oh my, you have tackled a lot! I can’t even imagine attempted to change the sash cords on old windows! I really can’t wait to see how that paint stripper has worked. I have an old dresser in need of stripping!
Wow! Repairing window stash, I am impressed! I would have no idea how to do that, so I am looking forward to your next post. And if that stripper works then I will be buying some!
My dad salvages a lot of doors and windows from historic renovations he has done. He can’t bear to throw them away and just has them sitting around waiting for projects. Hard to take things like that out of homes, and he can’t stomach tossing or donating them. Also hope you’re digging out of the snow you guys just got!
Stripper is always both satisfying and frustrating. I’m hoping yours works well.
Mask with the sanding girlie! There may be asbestos. Plus the dust can make you sick. My girls & I sheet rocked & painted my living room & some stubborn people who shall remain nameless couldn’t wear a mask (too hot, I can’t breathe!) And took 3 days to recover. But I love what you’re doing!
And lead paint, even more likely!
I cannot wait to hear what you think about this paint stripping is worth it. The amount of work that goes into that is insane…but totally worth it if you can actually get it out. I’ll be sure to check back next week!
So cool that your home is 108 years old! Can’t wait to see how this project turns out!
So if I’m doing my math right your home was built in 1910. No way!! Ours was built around 1910 too! Old homes may be a lot of work to bring back to life but they definitely don’t make them like they used to!