Hey Guys! Lots to share with you this week. My kids are out at Grammy Camp (aka an awesome-fun-time with their Grandma, and an even better more productive time for me) and I’ve got plans to get tons done around the blog. Anyway, I wanted to start with a quick little basement update. I meant to share where we were at last week, but then the cabyn lyfe took over and I never got around to it. Sorr-izzle.
Today I’m sharing where the basement is as of this morning, exactly two weeks since the project has started.
The house is really busy, and it’s all been pretty exciting. I like checking in and seeing what all the worker bros are up to. The crew has been great, and respect me as a lady who might know a thing or two about how things get built. As of yet, I haven’t been too hands on with the project – but the guys have let me know when there is something I can do to help cut costs. I’m planning on doing lots of the finishing work once we get to that point.
So here’s a few not so pretty pics of the progress:

Demo’d Basement
Removed Floor Tile
Replaced & Removed Plumbing
Cut out for Larger Egress-ish Window
Smoothed out Floor with 1.5″ of Concrete
Check in next week for the next update – hopefully we’ll have the gas meter moved and framing underway!
This may be too personal, but I would love it if you added the budget of the remodel to your posts. Helps others get a baseline idea of what similar work would cost.
Fair Question. Our original budget was $40K, we had planned on being flexible up to $50. After talking to a few different contractors we realized to get everything we wanted we needed to go to the higher end of our budget – so that’s where we are sitting now, hopefully with minimal cost needing to be added to the bottom line. Our contractor gave us an itemized list that with a payment schedule – hopefully his thoroughness in his project overview will help keep our costs right where expected.
So effing exciting!
Wow – it looks like a great start Scoops! It’s always fun to have dirty made clean again and get all that usable space to work with.
Hey Vanessa! Yeah! Most of all we can’t wait for the useable space – it will change how we live in this house!
I has no idea that storage space was so huge or that it had a window! Was that to the left as you came downstairs, behind the TV wall?