I am so excited to announce my new blog design powered by WordPress!
After 3 years at Blogger and a year of debating about the pros and cons of migrating, I finally went for it. It wasn’t easy, but I’m convinced it will be totally worth it. I am more than thrilled about how awesome the new home looks, functions and navigates. I’ve organized some of my most popular posts and added them to the navigation bar, updated the “About” page, and pimped out the “Around the House” page. Best of all everything is specifically categorized and archived for your viewing pleasure. I’ve tried to think about the readers first and foremost; I wanted the site to be a pleasant and visual navigating experience for anyone nice enough to stop by this little blog.
I’m still experiencing an internet hangover from all the coding and hours and hours of finding solutions to minor problems. Drop me a line if you notice any weirdness because I’m sure the site is not 100% perfect just yet.
Most importantly, please update your RSS feed if you followed me there! I had to migrate to a new feed (believe me I tried to get around this) so take note. You can now find the feed at Feedburner.
Here is the new link. Please resubscribe, I’d hate to lose ya.
I can’t wait to see where this new set-up will take me, thanks to everyone who stops by. Thanks again!
The new digs are lovely! I feel your pain — I’m still in the middle of my move and it’s rough. I wouldn’t mind a time machine to just pause everything so I could work on the site without interruption. However you found the time, I’m impressed. You’re hard work paid off!
I totally hear you, working uninterrupted would be the best. I can barely focus on what I’m doing let alone take care of my kids. My husband has been super awesome the last 2 days letting me get the finishing touches done on this thing.
Let me know if you need any advice/help with your migration.
Yay for awesome husbands! Mine is preforming admirably as we speak :) I’m going to email you with a question or two. Thank you!
it looks SO GOOD! crisp, well organized, great colors
This looks flippin’ amazing! I am thinking of becoming more “official” myself — I’d love a post about your experience!
Thanks for the suggestion, maybe I can put together a more detailed post about the transition in the coming days. I Know it helped me a lot to read about other peoples experiences.
It looks awesome! The colors are beautiful, kind of remind me of your house =)
You’re on to me Roonz.
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